(13) Second Attempt For Happiness

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I stood up and walked back to the lake, Jack was still facing away from me he meant it when he said he didn't want to even see it.

I stepped back into the water and looked over my shoulder.. I walked further in I seriously didn't care this time it was definitely on purpose this time I knew exactly what I was doing and knew exactly what I had to do to be happy.

"Jack, can you do me a favour? Can you make sure no one finds me until it's far too late? I do not want to be resuscitated. Can you do that for me at least?" I pleaded.

"Sure, I guess." He said looking the opposite direction to me, I could tell he was crying.

"Thanks." I turned and kept walking I felt the water rush up again and took it all in, I saw the same waterfall now so I knew I was on the right path, it looked at pretty and enduring as it did the first time, I kept going after it feeling the burning sensation hitting my lungs I knew it would only last a few moments.

It felt like I was sitting next to a heater and I was too close to it, I kept walking further towards the waterfall and I could taste the refreshing water, it wet my lips like I was really thirsty, I felt myself touching the water and I could bathe in it for the second time, I got a cold sensation and flashes of mum and moving, and Neveah crossed my mind.

I smiled and waved goodbye to both of them, I knew I could complete this... it was right. I saw this light over the waterfall I knew this was the light everyone spoke about but I knew to stay on the earth not to follow it so I sat down in the waterfall and let the water wet my hair, It smelt like honey and flowers, it was so nice and warm it felt like a warm shower.

The light started to disappear and I felt comfortable.. I looked around me and everything was still the same. I walked across the water, and there I was... my lifeless body was hovering face down in the water it was blue and cold, I saw Jack standing up and walking over to my lifeless body tears falling down his face...

He picked up my body like I asked him too and brought it over to the dark patch of water and placed me back down.

"I'll see you soon pretty lady." He whispered and kissed my forehead. I know because I felt it. He sat down with me the entire time until he felt my pulse weakening and hung his head low.. and cried.

Why was he crying? He knew I'd see him shortly... he really did have a sensitive side after all.

I finally stood up and I saw him still sitting there like he was waiting for me. I walked across the water and went up behind him and put my arms around him. "I'm back my love." I whispered and kissed his cheek.

He just smiled and turned around and pulled me into his lap and hugged me.
"Now we wait." He checked my pulse again and it had disappeared though I had to be cold before he could move me into view again. Otherwise I might get taken away from him because they will bring me back to life.


A few hours felt like they passed and he picked me up well my body up and put me back in the clear part of the lake near the bench, I looked up towards my house and Kat, Madi and the other two were running down like they saw me or something.

"Here it goes!" He said holding my hand and walking me up to my house. He had the same radius as I did...Seedervale.

I would be lost and forgotten in Seedervale, forever. But on that note I was with the love of my life, so I didn't care..

I stood there watching the girls call 000 and explain the situation, Kat spoke and immediately said that I had an imaginary boyfriend and she saw me run down to the lake to look for him because I believed I could see him and she found me face down in the lake and thinks I killed myself. She thinks I was showing signs of being delusional she had no idea I was suicidal.

She was spot on.. Good job Kat.. but fuck you for not believing me! I snapped in my head.

"Do you want to go inside? And watch a movie or something?" He smirked at me.

"Won't people see?" I sounded confused.

"Yes and no... they will see the TV on, but they won't see us." He smiled.

"Okay, let's go then." I nodded.

We walked through the garden and through the people. "Actually I want to see what happens I want all these crazy people out of my house...is that okay first?" I whispered.

"Of course sweetie! Anything for you! You literally just sacrificed yourself because you were scared I'd change if I did it another way, so you could be with me..we must have been destined to meet...because you're with me for eternity now..."

"I'll love you forever Autumn." He stopped and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him holding the back of my head with his other hand he pressed his lips against mine, I followed his motions he was such a nice kisser I could never get enough of him...now I wouldn't have to say goodbye we were and could be together forever. His family survived... and they see him like I used to... Now he's free to move on whenever he is ready....but naturally he's waiting for me.

He will come stay with me, that house will be ours. I can grauntee mum won't stay...and if she does I'll protect her from any asshole guys that go near her. This place has rumors that it's haunted. So those who think that, will see the signs when they've stepped a foot wrong. Well that's what Jack told me, and Neveah told me she reads up on all that stuff.

"What movie pretty lady?" He smirked.

"Definitely need a romance." I giggled.

"I totally agree." He winked and found the notebook.

"Oh Jesus you wanna make me cry now," I laughed again.

"Well yeah happy tears would be great! Plus those two die happy, just like what happened a few hours ago." He smiled. I smiled back he was right. Everyone's afraid of dying... like full on afraid of dying and here I was happy that it happened.

I don't regret a thing, in fact I'm more happy now than I ever was. I can watch over my mum I can show her I love her by leaving things around the house for her and spoil her.

I can leave signs for Neveah telling her I love her and I'm sorry, and I can be happy with Jack because he's right by my side. When I feel like I've protected and looked after mum and she's okay, we can move into the light and go to the next step beyond our journey.

I cuddled into Jack and watched the movie.

I could get used to this life. It was my time to be happy.

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