(1) Leaving Town

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"Neve I have to leave there's no negotiations mum is adamant to go she's already got us a house and everything in Seedervale." I sighed slouching down on the steps with my school bag.

"Make sure you call me everyday!" She ordered, "If you don't I'll hunt you down." She giggled after that.

"I know, I will!" I said in defense.

"You better!" She smacked my arm, "I want to help you pack!" She ran ahead of me, school wasn't as far away for me as most people.

I'll miss being around Neveah she would always bring me up when I felt like shit, we had been best friends since kindergarten we're sixteen now. I only have two years of school left. I will continue year eleven when I move to Seedervale.

I didn't want to face Chris ever again but I would still miss Neve she was like my sister from another mother, everyone said we looked alike and that we could be sisters and not even know it! I wish...

We finally got to my house we weren't rushing at all, I didn't really want to leave but I knew I had too...

"You taking everything babe?" She said looking up from my wardrobe.

"Yeah except the pastel green shoes, you can have them." I smiled at her.

"Aw I couldn't do that they're your favourite heels Auz!" She exclaimed holding them out to me.

"Aw and you're my favourite person so you will and you won't argue with me." I smiled with a hint of do as I say in my eyes.

She laughed at me. "Thank you so much."

"Anything for you." I gave her a quick hug and kept packing.

"I definitely need my photo frames!" I smiled happily picking the two up off my best side table. "I could never ever leave these behind, especially this one." I said hugging it tightly. It was a picture of Neve and I one year of Summer holidays.

"I'd kill you if you did Auz." Neveah winked at me then burst out laughing. She was always laughing I loved her so much!

"I know right!" I laughed too.


The day went too fast I didn't like it. One moment we were packing and laughing the next I was packing the last of the stuff we could carry in the car...The removalist truck would be at this house early tomorrow to bring all of our furniture over to the new house. By the time we got there they wouldn't be far away.

Sleeping in my room with nothing here was weird... I forgot how much shit I actually had. My room looked like a hospital. All white, no posters or ornaments or anything anywhere! Just my bed and bedside table, my alarm clock and my dresser.


I groaned to my alarm waking me up
I slid myself out of bed and went to had a shower, it would be a long day.... Seedervale was a ten hour drive away from here. I hated long car drives I always got car sick..

Mum had already made breakfast as I got into the kitchen she had already cleaned up too just to pack and wash the dishes we used to eat with then put them in the car and go. She couldn't wait I could see she was excited the day she told me, but today she was rushing around making sure everything was perfect...Whilst I was eating I almost wanted to tell her to slow down. Me on the other hand, I personally would rather stay here...and just suffer like everyone else through school then leave... After that so I've been told life changes. Although I guess that's not what my life had planned for me though...

It was off to Seedervale... New life here I come...I rolled my eyes as I put my seat belt on and felt the car moving..

This is it..

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