(9) Safe Place and Reputation

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I put my phone down and washed up my bowl I ate the whole thing whoops... Ah, oh well no one else was here to enjoy it so, stuff it.

I wanted to go down the lake and find Jack I needed to let him know about the party as it was actually going ahead. I also kept one more invitation for him personally!

I skipped out the door not even changing clothes, mum wasn't here to tell me off so screw it.. I headed down the flower garden and took out a daisy and put it in my hair, I took a few more so I could make a daisy chain or something if Jack wasn't there...I had a gut feeling that whooshed over me...that he wouldn't be there, I kissed him so I scared him off.. I sighed and kept going anyway, I mean benefit of the doubt right?

I sat down on the grass near the water and didn't see him anywhere. I took the daisies and put them on the ground next to me and started making the daisy chain.. I'd leave it on the chair like he did with the rose if he didn't show up, with the invitation underneath it..

I couldn't concentrate on the chain...I was feeling really blah that I hadn't seen him in two days now... he said if I want to keep seeing him, he will come back but he hasn't... I wonder why... I still wasn't sure if I counted the other night as a dream or not, he didn't show up for me to ask him...

Feeling crap, I finished the chain off half heartedly and lay on my back staring at the sky, wishing I'd get interupted from my thoughts... Although I didn't. I don't know what came over me but a small tear fell down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away as if I was being watched by the sky. Crying over a boy, I made that mistake last time... I won't ever do it again! I snapped at myself.

I sat back up and pulled out the invitation with his name personally on it...


You're invited to ☆Autumn's Open House Party on Saturday Night.

Time: From 7pm until it ends.

RSVP: By Friday via, Facebook or In person at the school grounds, or otherwise.

Hope to see you there. (♡Especially You♡).


I placed the invitation neatly on the chair and I put the daisy chain on top of it...I glanced back behind me hoping he would just come out of no where or I'd see him walking up past the trees near the lake...but I was alone the only thing I could hear was the water...and my breathing.

I sighed and just slowly walked scuffing my shoes back home..

"Autumn?" The voice I've been longing for all afternoon made me stop dead in my tracks. I turned around so fast!

"Jack!" I practically ran up to him and through my arms around him.

He softly laughed at me.."I guess you missed me." He smirked.

"I did." I pouted and blushed.

"Aw I'm sorry, I've had a busy couple of days, is everything okay?" I felt his hands wrap around my waist, I didn't mean to but once he did that I leant into him and kissed him. He ACTUALLY kissed me back this time, oh my god he kissed me back! His lips were so soft I almost melted touching them.

We broke the kiss slowly. "I am now." I smiled and hugged him.

He smiled, "I'm glad to hear it, You've been the only thing on my mind since I last saw you." He whispered into my neck still cuddling me.

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