(15) It's Almost Time To Go

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Robert did something I didn't expect at all he's been here for almost two weeks. I saw it all, he got down on his knee in the middle of the flower garden as Mum was watering the plants, she never did get a gardener the crazy lady...

He asked her to marry him. She cried and jumped into his arms saying yes, my mum was getting married to a lovely guy. I was so happy for her!

I knew today would be my last day here. It had been three weeks since I said that I didn't need to be here anymore. My time was up, mum was happy.

I needed to confront a few people first though to say my goodbyes. Even though they pushed me to take away my living life... I felt more alive this way lately anyway, so maybe it was for the best.

I needed to see them. I asked mum one last thing if she could bring them around for me, so I could say goodbye. They were in the last year of school now but my diary still had their mobile numbers and my phone still had their numbers in it as well, she did as I asked.

I wanted to show them I wasn't lying or making Jack up so I wanted them to meet him before I left for good. It was like I was going on holiday or moving away again I had some loose ends to tie up first.

Jack also needed to tie up a few loose ends before we could leave. I set up the house a little and cleaned up for mum so it was nice when she got back, before people came over the least I could was make sure it looked presentable. .
Having a seven year old in the house was bit difficult to keep it one hundred percent clean all the time. Jack said he'd come back shortly enough time to meet my old friends.

With what felt like five minutes was actually two hours I heard mum's car pull up in the driveway. I don't know why but I was nervous. I don't know what mum's told them so I'm not sure what to even say.

I heard the doors close and I got even more nervous I lit the wax melts so it smelt like vanilla in here, mum loved vanilla everything so the smell made her feel relaxed.

"Come in girls make yourselves at home I'll make up some tea."

"Thank you Mrs Paris." They all said in unison.

I gulped and went to the kitchen where Mum was I had to know what they had been told.

"Mum.." I said quietly.

"Oh hey sweetheart." She glanced around her shoulder.

"What did you tell them?" I asked.

"Nothing I just said I had some news about you that I needed to tell all of them together because it was special. So therefore I'd treat them to an afternoon at our house. Surprisingly they all miss you and adore you so they agreed." She smiled getting cups out.

"Okay thanks, they probably feel guilty... and hopefully Jack comes back soon so it can be all in one rather than freaking them out twice." I giggled.

"You're cruel Miss Autumn." Mum smacked my shoulder. Even though I felt nothing it was a immediate reaction to say it..

"Ow!" I laughed.

She rolled her eyes and went to the living room. "Here we are girls. Now if there is anything else I can get you please just let me know. You know you can still call me Tina." She smiled and sat down with them.

"We will and thank you Tina..though it's so weird being here without Autumn, we miss her so much..." Kat said with her eyes tearing up.

"Trust me...so do I..." Mum sighed. "Though this news I have to tell you...I don't want you to freak out." Mum said as she saw Jack come through the door and came and sat next to me.

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