(6) Scared Shitless

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As I approached the lake I saw nothing, no one at all. Now I was shitting myself and freezing my ass off mind you. It had been two weeks since I got here, I still needed to have that party. School sucked but what else did I expect. I was trying to think of everything besides where I was, I was so scared to be out in the dark alone..

I had no idea what to expect I was looking around frantically like something or someone was going to drag me away to the depths of hell.

"Autumn?" The familiar smooth talking voice called my name.

"Hello? Who's there!" I said still shaking, not sure if it was from the cold or the fact someone was saying my name and I couldn't even see them!

He popped up in front of me causing me to jump like an idiot. "FUCK! DON'T DO THAT!" I snapped and shoved him back a little.

"Is someone scared of the dark?" He was mocking me.

"Fuck you, what do you want anyway? You throw a rock through my window, make me come out here, freeze my tired ass off not to mention I have school tomorrow and it's three in the fucking morning...It'd want to be important." I snapped not meaning too but he woke me up and I'm freezing and he fucken scared me!

"Okay chill out already I wanted to show you something." He said holding his hand out to take his.

"Your hand is so warm why?" I pulled away and freaked out.

"The cold doesn't bother me, come on." He said grabbing my hand again.

He led me to the water, shit it was almost like my dream. Then I saw a waterfall light up in the middle of the lake.

"Pretty isn't it?" He smiled at me. Looking down I realised he was still holding my hand. What was his deal!? I needed to know, I longed for his company... I didn't even know anything about him and I almost needed him in my life...I was so drawn to him. Sure I was angry he woke me up...But I was almost glad he did.

"It's amazing!" I said stunned at what was in front of me. "Why did you wake me up to see this, may I ask?" Politely for a changed.

"It only happens once a year. That's today. Amazing unexplainable things will happen all day today, some good some bad. You just need to watch and wait, keep your eyes open all day, you will see the wonders that this world has to share." He smirked and ran towards the water.

"You're not scared of a bit of cold water are you Autumn?!" He winked and smirked at me almost like he wanted to splash me.

"Are you joking It's fuckin freezing!" My cold tone came back.

"Oh please it's not even cold at all, you're just a pussy, meowww!" He was mocking me again.

"Fuck you I'm going. You're rude then nice then rude then tease me, insult me and pick on me. What's your deal huh?" I finally stood up and snapped.

"Autumn wait!" I didn't turn around he was pissing me off. I needed to clear my head and go back to bed.

I stuck my finger up behind my head at him. I heard him sigh... I kept walking, he needed to apologise before I'd talk to him again.

I quietly went through the front door and crept back upstairs. I climbed into bed not even changing just taking off my uggies, I was cold, tired, annoyed about being woken up, and pissed off with whoever the fuck he was, I wanted him to apologise. Why I was acting like this about a stranger I don't know. All I did know was I felt like I was supposed to meet him...

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