(10) Party Spirit

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My alarm woke me up at 8:00am sharp, I jumped out of bed and went to the mirror, quickly put my hair up, and put lip gloss on, threw my uggies on and ran to the lake didn't even lock the door, he said he'd be here!

I walked quickly through the flower garden, and saw him standing there facing me like he knew I'd show up.

"Morning cutie." He laughed as I came and hugged him.

"Morning gorgeous." I smirked.

"It's hard being good looking sometimes I get these girls wanting to be all over me." He winked.

"Where are they? I'll kill them!" I smirked then burst out laughing.

"No where, I don't want any of them." He smiled, he then did something I didn't expect!

He picked me up so my legs wrapped around him. "You know I really like you right?" He was sort of blushing.

"You're the only thing on my mind lately Jack, surely you know I like you too." I said staring down at his eyes as he was looking up at mine.

"Will you be my date to this party of mine?" I asked shyly.

"I don't want to be your date Autumn...I want to accompany you knowing you accepted to be my girlfriend." He blushed but then sat down on the bench behind him with me landing in his lap, he put his hand at the back of my neck and pulled me into him until out lips crashed together.

"This is too good to be true!" I squealed without realising.

He laughed at me squealing. "You don't just like me do you Autumn." He smirked shit he could see right through it, I was totally falling for him...pretty much head over heals in love with him.

I went red and turned away towards the lake. "I feel the same way." He whispered in my ear then kissed the tip of it. Best day of my effin life I'll tell you that right now. Not only am I organising this party but my boyfriend is the best, not to mention the sexiest guy I've ever met, and he just basically told me he loved me, not exactly but basically!

I turned back around. "I'm, oh my gosh wow, this is the best day of my life." I said smiling the biggest smile I think I've had in a long time and crashed my lips against him again and again.

He broke the kiss "Aren't you meeting Kat this morning too?" He raised an eyebrow,

"Oh fuck! We gotta go oops!" I laughed "My bad!" "Wait how did you know that? I didn't tell you did I?" I grinned but was confused.

He shrugged, "Don't know just a hunch." He helped me up and we basically ran back to my house, he found my phone on the floor and Kat was on the couch.

"You took forever what the fuck were you doing?!" She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Luckily I have the brains woman."

"Sorry I uh. .yeah, let's get on with this! What do you have so far?" I said sitting down next to her. Jack sat down in front of me on the floor and leant against my legs.

We went through the list of food and snacks we needed to get, she said she would go and get the stuff I needed to stay here and do the music we agreed she threw me my phone "Don't loose this again bitch I may need to call you." She winked, flipped her hair and went out the door.

I took Jack up to my room, and found my laptop we both sat on my bed him behind me with his arms around me. I put on the Bluetooth on my phone and opened up iTunes,  I dragged a good two hundred songs onto the folder and transfered them all to my phone, thank god I had a huge SD card...music takes up Sooo much!

It said it would take thirty-five minutes for the songs to move from one device to the other I lay into Jack and just lapped up his company. It was never really awkward silence with us it was enjoying the quiet and listening to everything around us. That's why we could sit at the lake at night and just listen to everything happening in the world. He made me see things differently... I didn't feel like anything when I was with him, I just felt at peace, connected and happy, it really felt like he was my soul mate or whatever you call that when you know you're with 'The One.'

"It's going to be strange having everyone at the house tomorrow, I've never had more than two people at at time in one house really." I laughed a little, also a bit nervous. "It's my first ever house party I hope it doesn't turn out shit or people are bored, am I worrying to much?" I asked concerned.

Jack kissed my temple "A little bit. Just relax it'll be okay, I'll be here to help you too remember?" He smirked.

"What would I do without you Jack!" I snuggled back into him raising my neck so I could kiss his cheek."

"I don't know? Get lost and get in lots of trouble?" He chuckled quietly.

"Pretty much. I honestly don't know what my life would be like if I hadn't met you, I can't even imagine my life without you now.. Whatever that means..." I said blushing.

"Good thing you won't have to be without me then hey?" He smiled and found my lips.

I heard my bedroom door open and I sat up so did Jack, "How many songs we dealing with!" Kat said excited holding heaps of shopping bags.

"Three hundred and five in total." I smirked happy with my achievement.

"Woop woop! Now come on lazy ass come help put this food away!" She ran down stairs.

"She's mental really.." I laughed to Jack.

"I remember her sister she was in the grade above me last year." He randomly said.

"Oh really, Harmony graduated didn't she?" I smiled

"Nah she will this year, unless she left.. she's in grade twelve this year well should be." He smirked getting off the bed.

"Come on pretty lady you heard Kat, let's get moving." He held his hand out to me to get off.

"You're so good to me you know that?" I smiled at him jumping off the bed.

"Only cause I love you." He kissed my head.

"What did you just say?" I gasoed before walking out the door and down the stairs.

"I said, Because I love you." He smiled innocently.

I sighed so happily. He finally said it. "I love you too Jack." I walked back up to him and kissed him gripping his shirt in my palm. He winked at me and we went down stairs.

"I got chips, chocolates, lollies, dip, carrots, celery, mini dagwood dogs, crackers, cheese, gerkins, and still have enough to get a bunch of pizzas for dinner, or alcohol." She winked.

"I don't drink..." I laughed.

"I do. So do heaps of people in our grade." She winked again acting all I'm so brilliant type thing.

"Fair enough I can watch you and everyone else get drunk and laugh at you!" I giggled she slapped my arm.

"Whatever!" She flipped her hair.

"Okay everything's packed away ready for tomorrow, I'm out I'll see ya in the afternoon to decorate and shit. Love ya! Mwah Mwah." She kissed both my cheeks and waved as she left. We both waved to her.

"Now you're all mine!" Jack swept me off my feet and went to the couch.

"Oh goodie, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my evening than with this really sexy guy." I giggled.

He winked at me and started kissing me.

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