The Blur

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To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first, you need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good. Because all of us, we've forgotten what miracles look like. Maybe because they haven't made much of an appearance lately. Our lives have become ordinary.
But there is someone out there who is truly extraordinary. I don't know where you came from. I don't know your name. But I have seen you do the impossible to protect the city I lie.
So for those of us who believe in you and what you're doing, I just want to say thank you.

-Iris West

"I saw your blog." Turning I look for the source of the odd voice. When I find him my heart stops. It's a blur. He's here. In Jitters. Five feet away from me. "You read my blog?" I choke out finally. This is what I imagine it would feel like to meet Oliver Queen, one of the three men on my list and this man, this speedster holds the spot that used to belong to Tom Hiddleston. "Yes, and you need to stop-" He begins to speak in his vibrates voice but I don't listen I try to get closer to him but he speeds away.

"Wha-?" I turn to look for the man in the red suit. Finally, I spot him on the steps that lead to the roof. "Upstairs," he says before speeding off, but before he leaves I swear I see him wink. Smiling I run up the stairs, pushing the door open it slams against the brick wall as the wind catches it. "Who are you?" I yell, looking for him.

"Well, I can't tell you that can I?" His voice leads me to his hidden figure on the adjacent building's roof. "What would be the fun in that?" He continues in a different, playful tone.

"Well it would be a damn good interview," I joke. "At least tell me why red?" I question pulling out my phone to record our conversation. "Red?" He laughs. His laugh sends a chill down my back something about him invites me in. His mystery. How sure he is. What he does. "You would have to ask the man who made it." The blur answers.

I smile taking a step closer to the edge of the building. Getting as close as I dare I ask, "you have a team?" Moving at lightning speed, in a blur, he is in front of me pushing me back to the middle of the roof. He answers not letting go of me, "yes," he whispers still in his vibrated voice. "Do you have a girlfriend? Or is the Blur an eligible bachelor?" I whisper at the same time telling my heart to slow down.

Suddenly my back is against the wall. "Huh!" I breath surprised. Looking at the man before me all that I see of the man is the eyes, but I see the hero before me. "As of now Iris West, as of now." He whispers in my ear. Then he disappears leaving behind a red blur and a tingling feeling all over my body.


Question: Are you a
Barry and Iris fan
Caitlin and Barry?

I do NOT own The Flash!
Or any other CW or any show!

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