Angry - Barry x Kara

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Short but cute.

"Fuck off Allen," Kara snaps as soon as we enter the cortex. "Woah!" Cisco exclaims as soon as the Kryptonian enters the room. "What's gotten in-" Cisco stops as Barry flashes into the room and is quickly followed by a laser. "Okay, I'll just," Cisco steps back through a portal," yah,"  and disappears. 

"Kara," Barry approaches the hero cautiously. He easily sides steps another life-threatening laser beam. His fiancé is fuming. "Barry Allen how dare you!" She seethes. Her cape catches on the imaginary wind.

"Come on," the scarlet speedster calls out to the universe.

As a man, he should be used to it—being wrong that is—always being wrong.

The icon of the American Savior, looking just as saintly as she burns red as a tomato.  Somehow she could make his knees weak at any moment.

But that's their power, isn't it? Every woman is born with it: the ability to know the truth before the truth is even that, the ability to catch a man in his own web, and the wits to spin a tale so that she is always right.

The whole universe knows it. Hell Mother Nature is the first example of it.

"I'm sorry," He clasps his hands together and bows his head. His apology only infuriates her. How could she know? How could she know that he doesn't even know what he's apologizing for?

"You're sorry?! Sorry for what?" She folds her arms across her chest. "I'm sorry for..." she waits, "for being a man?" Boy was that the wrong thing to say.

Barry jumps like a cat sparked with a light socket. Laser beams hit the floor.

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