Night Shift

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Barry Allen x Caitlin Snow

Night Shift by Jon Pardi

Groaning, Barry closes his eyes for the first time in thirty-three hours. "Go home Cisco," Caitlin pushes the last member of Team Flash out of the cortex. "But," he tries to reach for his tech. "We won. The city is safe."

"That goes for you too." Caitlin Snow leans against the wall that is keeping Central Cities hero from falling to the floor. "It's kind of hard to sleep without the one thing that keeps me up at night." Caitlin leans into the Scarlet Speedster and removes his mask. The cities hero fades away and is replaced by Barry Allen.

"Its been a rough week." Her hands rub over the now healed wounds on his face. "Dawn to Dusk," Barry opens his eyes to look at the women who kept him believing. "Someone should stay at the lab. Just in case..." Caitlin looks at the monitors half expecting to see one of them go off. "We won," Barry repeats her earlier words. "We could both stay here..." his eyes brighten as something occurs to him.

"It's kind of hot in here isn't it?" Barry asks as he begins to take off his suit. "Barry!" Caitlin scolds him as she looks toward the cortex opening half expecting to see one of the team members walkthroughs. "They are all asleep." He leans in engulfing her in the scents of the speed force. When their lips touch she can taste the energy that courses through his veins. His hands go to the small of her back before hooking under her ass and lifting her up to the desk.

"I've," she speaks in between gasps of breaths as his lips trail down her jaw sending electrical pulses dancing across her sensitive skin, "been...dying for...yyyour touch." Once his lips reach her collar bone he stops to look at her. "Who needs sleep? I would rather gaze at you all day and night." Barry shivers as Caitlin's hands roam his now naked chest. His black shorts are the only clothing to keep him warm as Killer Frost emerges.

"I'm working this night shift," asserted Frost before attacking Barry.

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