I don't want new - SuperFlash

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Barry and Kara angst (but happy ending)

Song: New by Daya

Video: not mine!! This oneshot is based off the song but the video is so good!

"We did it!" Winn raises his glass toasting Supergirl, the DEO, and the Flash for defeating their latest villain. Kara flashes her brilliant smile at Alex causing Hank to give a small celebratory smile.


"Two minutes." Kara pushes her heels into the ground forcing her body to stop. The Scarlet Speedster checks his watch again, "two full minutes." His eyes sparkle with pure happiness as he celebrates the defeat of Supergirl.


"Ice cream!" Kara exclaims and Barry watches as her eyes form perfect circles before she licks the vanilla ice cream. Her cheeks flush as the cold hits her tongue.


"We did it!" Winn raises his glass celebrating their victory, but Kara's attention is stolen by the hero of another earth. His eyes are on Winn probably expecting some sort of victory speech or whatever Team Flash does. Kara smiles as she thinks of Barry giving his "come to the light'' speech and Cisco giving the "go team" speech.

Kara wakes up and tries to erase the memories. The smile. His smile. Sitting up her blond hair falls in knots along her shoulders. Sighing she tosses her covers to the end of the bed. She doesn't have to look at the clock to know the time-3am-because its always the same. He is pushed from her thoughts during the day only to consume her dreams during the night.

"I've started to see someone..." he had brazenly told her the last time they communicated. She replied with, "me too," even though it was a lie she would dare let him see into her heart. When she began seeing Mon El it was new and exciting. Kissing his lips, feeling his Daxam muscles, and the new feelings of lust. It all fueled her escape from him.

The steaming water droplets hit her skin and mix with the salty teardrops. Leaning back her head, Kara lets her self cry.


Barry jumps out of bed. His eyes stray from the popcorn ceiling. He quickly zooms through his morning routine. The water droplets barely have time to roll across his cheeks and mix with the salty tears falling like silent angels from Heaven.

"I've started to see someone..." He had forced those words out of his mouth the last time he saw Kara. He wanted to let her know that she is free to move on and that he is trying too, but what his heart wasn't prepared for was her answer. "Me too." He had to remind his heart to beat and force the air in and out of his lungs.

Looking at the clock beside his bed Barry sighs as he realizes its 3:15 am. Walking out the door in a daze Barry does not remember walking the mile to the park. The swings swing back and forth as the forgotten souls of lost children play. "Come on!" Kara runs past at human speed. Her blond hair sweeping over her shoulder. Her blue eyes glow with Heavenly joy. Her joyous laughter encircles the speedster as they go round an round on the merry go round.

Closing his eyes Barry tries to soak in the moment. Opening his eyes he is back by the bench watching the sunrise in an abandoned park.


"Kara!" Mon El greets Earth's hero as she walks into the DEO at 6am. "Good Morning," she smiles a strained smile as he leans in for a soft kiss. "I will see you at Catco," Mon El smiles back a genuine smile as he leaves.

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