The Legend

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"Is it wrong that I am happy?" I ask Iris. She turns to me and my breath catches. "No," she falls into my arms, "HR would want you to feel something other than pain. He sacrificed himself for us." Pulling her close I breathe in her scent. For the past few months I have dreaded this day. The day it was prophesied I would loose the person I knew better than almost anyone.

Looking around her apartment a shiver goes through me as I think of her getting up this morning and leaving her apartment thinking that it was her last morning. "We have many more mornings. Many many more," her hand squeezes my arms comfortingly. "Let's go," I grab my coat of off the couch, "best not to keep them waiting."

HR's funeral will be held tomorrow but tonight we hold each other close. Celebrating the days HR insured for us. Reaching STAR Labs I squeeze Iris's hand. "It's over Barry." She reads my minds as always. "He's gone. Gone for good." We both stop as we hear our families voices. "I know, I just can't help but feel. He- Iris he was me." My thoughts trail off but she completes them. Her hand rests on my cheek, "but he's not you. You are loved Barry Allen. And something bad always comes. And when it does we will be ready. We always are." Her eyes are slowly melting away their previous coat of fear and is being replaced with rock solid faith.

"Barry? Iris?" Joe's voice meets the two of us before his exhausted form. Upon seeing both of us he nearly breaks into a sprint. Engulfing us in a hug he squeezes tight. "I love you two so much." Looking behind him he sees what he is looking for. Wally had followed him out into the hall. "Come here son," pulling all of his children into a huddle he lets his silent tears fall.

I let out a pretend cough. "As much as I love being squeezed to death my beautiful fiancé is waiting patiently for me." Wally and Iris chuckle as they all step back. Using my speed I Flash behind Caitlin.

Wrapping my arms around her waist I press my lips to her sensitive neck. "Mmm, hello." Her tone is sorrowful, but it is also waited with worry and love. One of her hands winds its fingers through my hair. "Hello," I whisper in between kisses. I pull her tighter to me.

If anything Savitar has taught me to never loose sight of the ones I love. Looking at Tracy I see her grip tightly to one of HR's many coffee mugs and I see what I have to loose. And God it may be selfish but I thank HR for saving Iris and the rest of Central City.

Caitlin taps my arm as my grip becomes tighter. "Sorry," I whisper into her hair. Turning her head she buries her head in my neck. "We will help her. She can stay here or-" I can hear the wheels rotating in her brain. "I know that pain Barry. She can't— I won't let her go through it alone." Closing my eyes I nod and thank God for the women I love.

HR's funeral was more than tears. It was a story time for one of the best stories ever told. The impacts of which would carry generations ahead. He would become a legend.

I got you! This is a CaitlinxBarry chapter. <3

Short. But it's a chapter! I am trying to write more oneshots but I need inspiration!

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions?

•Any scenarios you would like to see??


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