In the Begining

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My name is Barry Allen. I am a Forensic Scientist for the Central City Police. I am always running! Always running. I can never seem to get anywhere on time and today wasn't any different.

"Barry!" I hear my best friend shout as I slide to a stop a couple feet away from her. "Sorry-" I go to explain but I am cut off by her lips on mine and then a slap on the chest. "My dad told me you were late this morning," she looks up at me with worried eyes, "and you used his partners pen to pick up pig poop." She cracks a smile at that. Looking around I notice the line for tickets is gone, which must mean the movie has begun. "It doesn't matter," Iris tells me, "I just want to spend some time with my boyfriend."

Iris and I got together one week ago but I have loved her all my life. Until recently I never dreamed us actually being reality. Iris is well Iris. She is my best friend, she is family, and she is the women I love. She was actually the one who asked me out, but it wasn't meant to be a date.

It was supposed to make a possible pursuer jealous, but soon Iris and I got so caught up we forgot about the leaning in, the hand to hand touching, the pretend laughs because it all became real. Before either of us knew it I leaned across the table to kiss her. It was so natural I didn't even think of it.
And well obviously she felt the same because here we are. 

"We could go to your dad's?" I ask turning to face her. We haven't told Joe yet and it's been rough at work. I feel guilty all the time. ""Or we could go to my apartment," she reaches up to pull me into another kiss. This time I pull her in closer so she can't pull away. "Or yours," she's says around my lips.

"Iris we need to tell him some time," I tell her not wanting to pull away. "I know and we will," she wraps her arms around my neck effectively pulling up her already short shirt giving me full view of her daring midriff. "I just," she pauses biting her lip, "this is so new. I don't want him to freak and then freak us out. I want to figure out where we are, what," she stops trying to collect her words. I press my forehead to hers telling her to continue. "I need to know how deep this is. Where it's going before I throw dad into it. You understand right?" She asks, pleading me to understand.

"Yes I completely understand," I tell her, "he already knows of my feelings," with that she pulls back causing her shirt to go back down. "He knew?" She says in an angry tone, "I'm the only one who didn't know?" She asks not mad at him or me but mad at the time we wasted.

Smiling I continue, "and this, this thing between us, I plan to carry out for as long as you will let me. Hopefully for the rest of our lives," I tell her in such a sure tone that she can't help but smile even if she is slightly scared. "That's good to know," she tells me with another peck on the lips."So about heading to the apartment.." I interject.

"Well actually..." She smiles a playful smile, "I was planning to surprise you with gong to see the Star labs particle thing," she waves her hand in the air acting like her boyfriend hasn't filled her in with every detail known of the machine.

My face breaks into a huge grin, "you remembered!" "Of course this was just a test," she smiles lovingly up at him, "you would miss something your nerdy little existences has wanted forever all for me." She looks at him in disbelief. Looking down at her beautiful brown eyes he knows it true he would do anything for her.

"I love you Barry," she whispers. Im not sure if I imagined it. Did she just say..."I love you Barry!" A huge smile breaks out on her face causing her to jump into my arms kissing me. "But we really should go before we miss it!"

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