Frost Taking Over

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"Wow, I really miss Killer Frost," Ralph mutters under his breath as he walks into Cisco and Caitlin's conversation. Cisco's eyes go wide and he shakes his head behind Caitlin's back.

"What did you say?" Caitlin glares At him. "Killer Frost is really hype," Ralph shrugs. Caitlin turns her glare to Cisco. "So Killer Frost has been hanging out with you guys?" Cisco gets to blend in with his work station, but Ralph keeps talking. "Yeah, yesterday the three of us had drinks and we just talked."

"Caitlin," Cisco try's to comfort his friend. Even through Killer Frost was no longer a threat Caitlin still struggles with being another person completely and having no memory of it.

She puts up her hand to stop. "Well, maybe your friend Frost will come out to play later. Right now, Caitlin is home."

"Hey," Barry runs into Caitlin on the way to the cortex. Her eyes are cast down but fire is lit behind them. "Hey," one hand rests on her waist and the other caresses her face. "What's going on?" Her brown eyes flash up to his. "Do you speak to Killer Frost?"

She watches as Barry's mind spins. "I'm not mad. I'm just wondering?" She places a kiss on his lips. "I promise." It bothers her that Killer Frost is taking her place in her friendships but she really wants Barry to have a connection with Frost.

"Last night Frost was out drinking and playing games with Cisco and Ralph," Barry leans against the wall, and "when you—Frost—got home she was a little tipsy. I had fallen asleep on the couch..."

"Aw, such a cutie. Wake up Flash!" Killer Frost pushes the sleeping Barry Allen off of the couch. "Hey!" He wakes up startled. Frost sticks out her hand and helps him up. She then pushes him back onto the couch.

"Barry, what are your feelings for me?" Her questions catch him off guard causing a chuckle to escape his lips. Frost's brows furrow in anger. "I love you. I thought you knew that." Her expression softens, but the tilt of her head signals that she wants to hear more.

Barry leans forward on the couch.

"You are part of Caitlin. But," he stops and smiles, "You are your own person. I see the similarities like the way you furrow your eyebrows and the way you tilt your head, but I also see how sexy and beautiful Caitlin is when she speaks about science and how sexy and beautiful you are when you have a meta shaking in fear."

Her blue eyes darken and she grabs his shirt and connects their lips. Her icy temperature only intensifies the heat between them. Her teeth pull at his bottom lip until he gives in. There kiss deepens as she straddles the scarlet speedster lap. "I'm not into all that lovey-dovey stuff," Frost says pulling back.

She sees that his eyes are filled with lust and remembers Caitlin's thank you note after she had suggested that Caitlin take a more lustful approach to her and Barry's sex life. "That's," Barry gasps as she moves her hips and lands on his sensitive spot, "so good."

"Oh," Caitlin furrows her brows as she thinks. Barry looks into her thoughtful eyes. "Caitlin, I love you and Frost is apart of you but you both have your differences. I'm sorry—". Caitlin cuts off his apology with a kiss. "Don't apologize for loving me. I want you and Frost to have a relationship. I want her to create a life and I am so happy it is with you and my friends, but I can't help the jealousy I feel."

Barry flashes a quick smirk before using his speed to push her up against the wall. His lips attack her neck. "No need to be jealous love."

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