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   "Kara!" Barry yells as J'onn J'onzz steps through the breech with an unconscious Supergirl in his arms. Using his speed Barry moves to take the girl from the agent's arms, "What happened?" He asks frantically scanning her body; looking for any sign of harm.

"We were taking a prisoner into the DEO when he escaped. He hypnotized Kara and we followed him here," J'onn looks at the blond-headed women in the scarlet speedsters arm. She and her sister have become, in human terms, his daughters and to watch some one hurt one of them and not be able to stop it pains him greatly. "Here? Why?" Cisco asks following behind them as Barry leads the way to the main room.

"He said something about finding the fastest man alive," J'onn explains. Barry lays Kara on the bed so Caitlin can examine her. J'onn takes note of how Barry's hands linger on Kara's waist as do his eyes. He noticed the first time she introduced Barry to him. It still baffles him how slow humans can be when it comes to acting on their feelings. "Guys," Iris's voice comes floating from the room next to them. Barry turns his head slightly acknowledging his sister but yet still keeping his focus on Kara and Caitlin who is writing away on a clip board. "Oh, man. Really? Again? How do people just keep walking in here? You would think after original Wells and an alien invasion-" Cisco rants. "This wouldn't happen to be the guy you mentioned would it?" Iris asks J'onn pointing at the camera.

Before he can reply the escapie waves to the camera, "Hi flash."
Running down into the cortex Barry pulls his mask over his face, "who are you?" The meister leans on the counter and cocks his head bending one leg placing his foot on his knee. "That doesn't matter too much Barry," moving with the fluidly only as that could be described by Hawthorne concerning the elvish child Pearl. In that instant, Wally shows up prepared to defend his brother. "Well look who it is Wally West," The meister says bending his head to look around Barry.

"You look so down," he pouts, "the speed force actually did drain you uh?" Wally runs towards the fairy-like creature only to be thrown back into the hall with the boyish man standing over him. "Wow. You really are scared bonkers. Mmm, I thought Kid Flash had more in him. Guess not." Turning back to Barry, "Have fun!" He says before Barry passes out.

Looking around Barry notices that he is in a club. He then hears a mellisonant melody.

Moon River, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style someday
You dream maker
You heartbreaker
Where ever you're going I'm going your way

Two drifters off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end
Waiting round the bend
My huckleberry friend
Moon River and me

Despite the bizarre situation, Barry can't stop the dumbfounded expression on his faces when he realizes that the voice belongs to Kara. His hands begin clapping together almost at their own accord. "You know her?" A woman at the table in front of him turns and asks with a big smile clearly having also enjoyed the performance. "Yah-yes," he tells her looking a the stunning beauty on the stage. Her eyes go wide when she sees him. "What is happening?" She mouths. He responds with a motion of his head signaling her to go to the back of the stage, Kara exits the stage and Barry makes his way back to her.

"Wow!" Barry exclaims when he sees Kara up close in the form-fitting dress all the while taking in their surroundings "Barry," she ignores the comment about her voice, or what she thought was about her voice, not being able to accept even as an adult that what Alex had said all along was true that she could sing, "are we on another earth?" Looking around they seem to be in some sort of common area behind the stage. Moving a little closer to Barry Kara keeps her eyes and ears open for an attack.

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