Facial Hair

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Waking up I feel something tickle my face. "Barry!" I laugh as he presses kisses along my jaw his facial hair tickling the skin.

"What so funny?" He laughs flipping himself on top of me tickling my sides. Squirming I attempt to free myself. "Your-your-" I laugh, "Barry! I- I can't speak" I squeal. He finally pulls the tickle monster back in and settles his chin on my stomach watching, me waiting for a response. His eyes twinkling with laughter.

"Your facial hair tickled me." I reach to stroke his face. He let it grow out not by choice. Shaving it took time, time we didn't have a month ago. "Should I shave it?" He asks really questioning if I like it. "No!" I shout a little to fast. Chuckling he kisses my hip, "so you like it huh?" He teases.

"Yes," I say though that's an understatement. With a beard and mustache, he looks sexy and scruffy. Scooting up my body he moves his lips to my ear causing me to shiver as his hair touches my skin. "I love you."

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