What Are We Fighting For?

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Broken. That is how Barry felt watching Kara collapse through the portal.

"Kara!" My arms are around her in an instant as her limp body falls to the harsh ground. Her blond hair sticks to her face. My eyes rake her body searching for any harm. She is wearing her suit but nothing is out of the ordinary. "Kara," I let out in a broken whisper.

"Barry," Caitlin's tone comes out in a warning just as Alex steps through the portal. She kneels down next to her sister, still tightly in my embrace. Her eyes are filled with tears as she moves her gaze from the girl of steel to me. "She needs you," her voice comes out strong. "She needs you more than the world needs her." Placing a hand on my arm she leans down to kiss the forehead of the blond in my arms. "Take care of her Flash."

Picking Kara up I move to place her on the table but I think better of it. "I am going to take her home." Looking down at her tear-stained cheeks, "She will be more comfortable there." Harrison Wells, now returned after HR, Cisco, and Caitlin all nod in understanding. I am so lost in thought of what could have possibly broken the girl of steel that Iris's hard voice causes me to jump. "What's going on here?" Her hands on her hips she stares at Kara. "You explain?" I nod to Cisco. Then I use my speed to go to my home.

Laying Kara in my bed I grab a warm washcloth and wash her face. Opting to leave her clothes alone I pull the comforter up to her shoulders.

It doesn't fill right leaving her alone so I cook. And cook. And cook. Putting headphones in I dance around the kitchen tossing pancakes over the counter and onto the plate. I try to clear my mind. We defeated Savitar. I saved Iris. Thinking back to the speed force I cringe. I look at the buffet of breakfast food, even though it's 2:00 pm, placing my hands on the counter I take a deep breath just as the blaring music is removed from my ears.

"Hey," Kara says in almost a normal tone. Her smile is a tad smaller than usual. "Hey!" I can't help pulling her into a hug. Her arms go around my torso, but she doesn't crush me. "What happened?" The last time I saw her was with the Music Meister. Stepping back slightly to look at me, I took note of her change of clothes, she rolls her eyes to fight the waterworks on the way.

"A lot." Turning away from me she looks around the flat. "Where's Iris?" I take her distraction allowing her to collect her thoughts. "Umm," my hand goes up to my hair. Her blue eyes hold mine and for the first time, I see the immense pain in hers. "After Savitar...." I grab her hand pulling her to the bar. Sitting down I continue. "I had a responsibility to make sure everyone was safe and the only way to do that was to go into the Speed Force." Bringing my hands up to my face I rub circles around my eyes.

Kara places her hands at my wrist pulling slightly. "Iris gave me an ultimatum." Looking at Kara I conclude, "I choose the city." "I understand." Her eyes flash down to our hands. "We are heroes. It's our job. It's our responsibility to save our city, our world." Laughing a dry laugh I quote Oliver, "a friend once told me people like us never get the girl."

"Can we eat?" Kara motions toward the food. "Of course!" I try to be peppy. Using my speed I pull it a set up for us to eat. Grabbing our plates we both attack the mountain of food together.

"So good." Kara lays back on the couch and me on the floor. "Thanks. I cook when I'm anxious." I feel her gaze even though she isn't looking at me. "I'm sorry for scaring you, Barry." Nodding I turn on my side facing the bottom of the couch. "Where's Mon El?" Alex said that she needed to be here. Why?

I hear her intake of breath and there is a momentary pause as she collects her words. "He," there are tears in her voice, "we had to release a toxic." Her cheek pressed against the cushion. I can see her blond hair and an outline of her face but her eyes are hidden. "He left in my-" her voice breaks. "I choose to save my world instead of him." She sits up with the speed of a speedster. I copy her movement.

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