You and Me

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Spoilers for Supergirl season 3


"We can't do this alone," Supergirl stands arms folded across her chest feet shoulder length apart. Her stance is meant to empower her, yet she feels anything but powerful.


MonEl's eyes snap to hers just as Imra's kind voice speaks from her place in MonEl's arms. Kara has to stop herself from tearing her eyes away. Focusing on the girl she trys to block out the beautiful man, the one who has filled her every thought for several years, who now has another women, his wife, in his strong arms. "We can help." Irma's eyes go up to her hus-MonEl's.

Kara feels torn. Irma has been nothing but kind. Irma idolizes her, yet because of her title Kara can't be close to her. "Who are you thinking?" Winn speaks up sensing Kara's unease. A small smile forms on Supergirls lips for the first time since MonEl left Earth. "The Flash."


"Barry!" Cisco's voice bounces in my ear. Red streaks surround me as I slide to a stop. Cisco's long hair flys in the air as he holds the iPad in his hand. His mouth slightly open as he watches the chart spike.

"I'm fast right!" My voice sounds-like Kara's- full of life. Cisco looks up at me with happiness in his eyes. "Man I'm glad your back," he laughs. Turning around I look to Joe. "Hey!" Wally pokes fun. Slapping a hand on his shoulder, "still the fastest man alive Wally." "The speedforce must have changed your cells..." Caitlin, like Cisco, has her head buried in the charts on the new iPads.

"Speaking of being back," I take the tablet from her hands, "It's good to see you," and engulf her in my arms. She stands there for a second before wrapping her arms around my waist. "Thank you Barry," she whispers in my ear.

Releasing my hold on her I give her a lighthearted smile. "It's good to have both of you back," Joe tells us both with a pointed look at Caitlin.

We all sit in a comfortable silence. Each of us thinking about the time apart. "How do you feel?" Caitlin asks. Looking down at my suit; I answer honestly, "Great. Better than ever. I finally feel right with my speed again. And Iris and I are good," I look at Joe, "we are friends. How it should have been." I know my friends are watching me jump slightly as the energy from the speed force corses through my body and a loopy smile on my face.

"Good Good, now-" Cisco after my departure took over the team, per my request, but he is ready to hand back the stress, "team captain," he claps a hand on my shoulder, "now that your back you can-" he is cut off as a portal is opened right in between us.

Cisco huffs as he pushed off balance and connects with the floor. My mind immediately flashes to the last time that portal opened. Kara laying in MonEl's arms, unresponsive, limp as if all the beautiful light had been drained from her. "Supergirl?" Caitlin asks as she bends down to help Cisco up.

Kara steps out in her daring Supergirl ensemble. I reach out to grab her hand ensuring her always safe landing. Her blue eyes connect with mine and I stop breathing. Her eyes are filled with so much pain and suffering. She falls, the girl of steel falls, into my arms. She controls her force telling me she needs the contact. Pulling her into my chest I can hear the nonexistent sobs.

Pulling back, "Sorry Barry," her normal peppy tone is masked by a dark blanket. Joe catching on interjects, "Looks like you'll be captain a little longer Cisco." Kara's eyes stay on mine, my hand stays on her. "I need your help Barry." I nod. I don't need to ask. She is my friend. She risked her life last year for a world that is not her own.

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