Iris West Allen

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Running. Running. And more running.
It seems that is how I spend most of my days. Always running from something, but I've never run toward anything and today that changes. Today I Barry Allen am going to tell Iris West how I feel about her.

"Iris?" Is the first thing I hear when walking in to the CCPD it's 'pretty boy', Joes new partner. I can tell that in my absence he has grown a little crush. Way ahead of you bud, I say in my head, I have a whole lifetime ahead of you and I'll be damned if I let you steal her from me. Using the new trick I learned I speed up beating pretty boy to Iris. "Hey I need to talk to you," I pull her to the lobby. "Yah," she turns her full attention to me. I see Eddie scowl behind her. "Do you mind," I reach up nervously to rub my neck, "going up to my lab with me?" Nodding she grabs my hand pulling me upstairs. I hold on knowing that if this goes wrong than this might be the last time I ever get to be this close to her.

Earlier that day I had a talk with Joe and I told him of my intentions of opening up to Iris and I informed him that I am not holding back anything. He slightly agreed, gave me the I'm her father I'll kill you look, and gave me a good luck son hug. "Iris," I start. She is looking around at my messy... well lab. "Barry seriously it wouldn't hurt you to clean this up it would take like two seconds!" "Literally" I mumble running a hand through my hair.

"Okay Iris listen," I grab her hands. "Yes," she looks at me with quizzing eyes, "Barry come on spit it out I've haven't seen you this scared since you sneaked out to see you dad." "You remember the night I went into my," not ready to tell her just yet, "coma?" She nods. "How we talked about me liking somebody..." "Yes and I said-" Cutting her off I say, "Iris I like you." Looking down I feel like I did at Jitters yesterday morning, time is literally standing still. It feels like hours before I hear her heavy breaths. "But it's okay!" I say panicking. Backing away from her I run into my desk, "I'll get over it. It'll be fine," don't cry you idiot, I tell my self, why would she like you when detective pretty boy is down there all hot for her.

Suddenly I am sandwiched between the desk and Iris. Her body is hugged to mine. For the first time I look up, "Don't you ever say that," she say with tears in her eyes. " Bartholomew Henry Allen how long have you felt this way?" Her eyes show no sign of disgust so I answer, "since I met you." She brings her hand up to my hair, "who knew?" She say to herself with a smile. "Barry I've loved you since fifth grade when you came home all beat up because you took the beating for some little kid." I can hardly believe what I am hearing. Am I dreaming?

"Well are you gonna kiss me or not?" She states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Yes," I whisper before wrapping one hand on her waist and the other in hair. Our lips meet with a fiery passion. We both pour years of love into one kiss. She pulls back letting out a sexy moan before pushing me so that i am sitting on the desk. She than uses my thighs as leverage to push herself up and attack my lips. Nipping at her lip causes another moan to escape her lips which allows my tongue free reign. Running my hands down her waist to her thighs I pull her up onto my lap. "Gah," she whisper as I press kisses down her neck and are all the way to her collarbone. Before thinking I use my speed to switch our positions. "Fuck!" She yells surprised eyes open wide. "I'm so sorry-" I go to try to explain. "Well at least that explains my attraction to the Blur," she say moving her hands back to my hair pulling my lips back down to hers. "And that was totally hot," she whispers against my lips.

Here you go munki06 !
Hope you like it !🌹!



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