Cupid or Alien?

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Dedicated to : Baphiwensssa Rix1998 zoeymeyer
Thank you for getting a new ship stuck in my head!
As promised a Thea and Barry one shot. Enjoy!

"Aliens?" I ask entering my ex-future-sister-in-law's living room. My heart literally stops. "Really Barry!" John shouts from the balcony, no doubt puking on unsuspecting pedestrians. Examining the man not ten feet from me. He's in his Flash suit. His hair is crazy as ever. He looks good. But after all our time together I am conditioned to see the invisible bags under his eyes, the small twitch of his hand saying that all he wants to do is run. Diggle comes through the glass door his appearance would have been comical had my heart not been playing tug-a-war with my ever-active brain. Diggle looks like he just got off of the Hulk Rollercoaster at DisneyWorld. "You know Barry my life was somewhat normal before I met you," Digg grumbles.

"Aliens Barry. Really?" My brother asks looking at Barry intrigued, I listen. "Yes, Aliens!" I crack a small smile. Of course, he's excited about aliens.

"Wha- who- how did you find out about these aliens?" Diggle manages to choke out still looking rather green. Barry reaches his hand up to his hair and runs his hands through it. I force my hands in my pockets and tell myself my brother is here! Never mind the fact that Barry and I are no longer- I stop the thought there not able to continue. "Well, a spaceship kinda landed in Central City. These green things just came swarming out! It was like..." he trails off thinking of Cisco. "Lila came by and-" Diggle interrupts  Barry. "Lila!?" He doesn't wait for confirmation before storming out, this time at the average speed of an average angry man.

"We can't do this alone," My brother starts talking strategy. Leaning back on the counter next to Felicity. I listen as Barry talks about finding Stein and Sarah. "I'm in," I shrug. Barry looks up startled. Pulling a page out of his book I ignore his gaze. "I thought you hung up the hood Speedy?" Ollie asks with a noticeable questioning gaze directed between Barry and me. "It's Aliens."


Standing with my mouth agape I stare at my best friend's sister, who is stepping off of a Time-Traveling Ship!! As soon as her feet hit the earth I jump in her arms. "Hey, Speedy!" She pretends to be out of breath.

After the hugs and nice to see that you haven't died's Barry announces he is going to go get an alien that is on our side. I watch him step through a portal with a clearly agitated Cisco. "How long?" Sarah whispers in my ear causing me to jump. Looking around I seek out my brother, Felicity, and John. They are all where the mock fighting ring will be. Pulling Sarah away from the group. "We aren't..." She gives me a look that says cut the bs. "We were," I wring my hands, "I guess. We never really labeled it. We just were." I smile thinking back to those nights Barry would come over after Laurel's death. "He was my brother's friend. Then my friend. Then the person I wanted to spend every night with." Sarah leans against the wall just listening. "Then what's the problem? Why aren't you with him right now?" She asks bluntly. Looking up at the ceiling I try to put it into words but I can't. "It's me." "Thea Queen," she pushes off the wall and grabs my hands. "You are beautiful as hell. A complete badass. Smart and emotional, but just like your brother you are guarded. You think too much of the future. Too much of what-ifs and not enough about the present."

She then changes the subject to her time-traveling adventures. I gladly take the opportunity to take my mind off of the man that is consuming my thoughts. She told me enough to get my mind working yet still let me decide.

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