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"Allen!" Singh yells as soon as I step in the building. I quickly try to muster up an excuse for my absence at this mornings meeting.

In seconds his eyes are staring holes into me. "What excuse do you have today Allen?" He asks arms crossed. Man am I lucky that I'm incredibly gifted, and that they haven't found someone else able to fill my position, or I would be gone so quick. "I, uh-" I stumble thinking of what I did last night. I worked on a case all night and forgot to change the time of the alarm to adapt to the meeting. "I forgot about the meeting." I tell him eyes down. Grumbling he mutters, "at least your on time for a normal day." Turning his back I move a hesitant foot toward the stairs that leads to my safe haven. "And Allen!" He turns suddenly, "yes," I whisper. "Just don't be late to that wedding of yours."

With a nod I rush upstairs. Out of breath when I reach the top I quickly turn into my lab. Opening up my bag I pull out the file I was working on last night. "Babe," I hear my fiancé calling out for me. Laying the file on the table I turn to her.

"Hey," I breathe finally being able to breathe normally. "You were late weren't you?" She asks with a kiss to my lips. Her hands go to my neck. "Yes. I was," I tell her kissing her back. "You know when we live together," she pulls away from me slightly allowing me to take in her appearance. She's wearing black jeans with black boots and her red leather jacket. "You will be on time every day. I will see to it." She goes to turn toward my desk. "Oh, Thea Queen is planning to change me." I grab her waist spinning her back to me; gaining me a small laugh. "Is that why you agreed to marry me?" I ask with a huge smile. Rolling her eyes she places a hand on my chin, "if my mission was to change you Barry Allen I wouldn't have risked your life in telling my brother that we are in love." Ducking my head down slightly I capture her lips once more. Her hands move to my hair and mine slide under her shirt to her waist.

"How did it go last night?" She asks pulling back slightly to look at the file on the desk. I nod my head to the file as I step away from her.

She reaches for it with her left hand, my ring sparkling on her finger. Opening it she is greeted with pictures of Nora Allen, the arrow, and many others. "What does The Arrow have to do with any of this?" She asks reading one of the news articles from Starling.

I step behind her looking at the files contents that I have looked over a million and one times over her shoulder. "It's all connected somehow. I'm not sure how Thea, but it is." She closes the file setting it on the desk. "And there is even a new archer," I continue, I  head toward my board I pull up the paper hiding my research. "She wears red." Thea is still facing my desk when I turn around. "Have you heard anything in Starling? Is Lance any closer to capturing the Arrow?" "No." She says it in a voice that tells me she doesn't want to talk. Her whole body language changed after reading the file.

"Okay," my hand goes up to my hair. After my mom died no one believed that my dad didn't murder her. Until I met Oliver and then Thea. "You don't think there's a connection..?" I ask pulling her hands so she faces me. "Barry I just think you should stay away from the archers in Starling. They aren't tied up in this." I nod my head slightly not in agreement but just trying to clear my head.

We have always been able to read each other. And now, no for about a month now, I have sensed that Thea is hiding something from me. I hadn't wanted to bring it up. No that's a lie. I wanted to, I need to, but not now. But that look in her eye is killing me. I need to know.

"Where were you last night?" I ask holding my breath. I know the answer. She was supposed to be with me looking over these files, but she said she had gotten sick. Yet Felicity let slip she saw her yesterday. "I told you," her eyes go to my collar, "at home. I was sick." I take a light step back.

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