🌹 Chapter One

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The night was falling with heavy rain. Civilians struggles to cross the road due to the cars flying all over it, some struggles to ran in to a waiting area to hop in a bus and go home since they didn't brought any umbrella or raincoats with them. The weather was a shock to everyone, even the weather forecast didn't saw it coming. It was unexpected. Everyone in the road/city were worried that they might get sick due to the rain, drivers were careful that they might crashed into something or someone because of the moist it's leaving in their windshield and high volume of lights from some cars that they encounter with. Except for one. She didn't care about the people crossing the road, she would simply honk the horn at them then proceed to hitting the gas. She didn't care about the wet road that may cause a crash, she would simply hit the gas again. She didn't care about her surrounding. She didn't care about the civilians. She didn't care about everything at all, even if her life is at risk.

"Fuck you," She spat to no one particularly. Her eyes were red and the small amount of eyeliner she placed her inferior or lower eyelids were smudge from wiping her tears away. "I don't need you in my life, you fucker!" Again, she yelled, hitting the gas hard. This time, she went in to a different lane. She could get in jail as she do so but like what was said before, she doesn't care. A loud honk of horn was heard before she realized she was about to be hit by a huge truck, so she turned her steering wheel asap and luckily avoided the truck. Fortunately, there were no police at that moment so before she get caught, she drove quickly to her apartment where she lives alone.

The apartment's not too big and not too small, it was perfect for one person. It's perfect just for her. She threw her keys, not caring where it will land, she's sure she will find it if she needs it. Walking towards the apartment's kitchen, a framed picture caught her attention. She immediately got angry and threw the picture and made her way to the kitchen counter to grab a wine glass and a wine. Pouring it down to her glass, she reminisced what had happened and she doesn't want to feel anymore. She felt used, and desolated but at the same time, she felt angry and disappointed. She sat in her bed, hugging her knees, her hand were still holding the glass of wine. Rocking herself back and forth, her phone lit up followed by a notification, a message from her friend, Nicki. For now, she didn't want to talk to anyone, she just wanted to be alone so she didn't bother to grab her phone and reply Nicki back. In her moment like right now, she wanted to run away but she couldn't, she didn't know how. Sometimes her mind drifted to killing herself because she doesn't see the point of living anymore but something is always holding her back and she's tired of it. Every time she wants to kill herself, something always pops up and that prevents her from ending her own life.

"He did what?!" Nicki scolded, standing up from her seat and catching some of the customer's attention. Nicki doesn't care about the customers right now, she care about her best friend. "Beyonce, he fucking did what?!" Beyonce looked around and to some customers with an apologetic look and apologized to them. She shook her head and calmed Nicki as she finally took her seat and deeply sighed.

"He used me, Nicki. He just used me for his own selfish reasons." Beyonce said, holding back her tears. She can't just cry in public, cutomers would think she's crazy if she does. She knew she had to face this again and move on with her life to wherever it will go or end. "But I'm fine now, I guess." She gave Nicki a small smile to convince her everything is fine now but Nicki wasn't having it. She wanted to beat his ass for hurting her best friend. She knew from the start that there's something about Marcus that she didn't like, being a dumb fucking jerk. "Enough about me, how are you doing?"

It has been a while since they last seen each other because of work. Nicki's a model of one of the top-selling magazines, some fashion line and also a model who walks in the runway but Nicki is one of those high paid models so they couldn't just ask her to model for them. As for Beyonce, on the other hand, she got nothing but an apartment that she needs to pay rent monthly and a car that was a gift from her father, which is needing a new repair, a new car actually. Since she got no job at all, she needs and have to find one to be able to pay her rent and have her car in repair.

"I'm doing fine. Stressful but worth it. I have to leave for L.A next week because I have been offered to model their fashion line." Nicki replied with a smile pasted on her face. Beyonce is happy for her and proud of her because before Nicki became a model, she really had a very low self-esteem and Beyonce knew what she had to do as her best friend. She encouraged her and helped her to fight and that's where Nicki started modeling since she got the body and curves.

"I'm so proud of you. Keep doing your good work, Nick." Bey smiled as Nicki did the same for her. Nicki cheesed and gave her credit because she wouldn't be a model at all if it weren't for her so she had planned a little bit of something for her and hoped that she would accept it.

"Thank you but you know it was you who helped me be the person I am today." They both shared a laugh and Bey's heart melted because she didn't forgot about her. "But guess what?" She added, leaning on the table a little. Beyonce leaned too, thinking that she's going to whisper on her ear. "You're coming with me."

Bey eyed her for a moment as Nicki waited patiently for her answer with a huge smile on her face that made Bey creep out a little. "I am not going back to L.A" She promised herself not to come back after things happened before, she didn't want the memories back to her life. She's been doing good in New York City but then thought about having no job for about five months now and even wondered how did she even paid her rent without a job at all. Her last job was fine and the money she gets was not that big but enough to pay her rent and a good meal for her stomach a day.

"Yes you are, your tickets are ready and no," Nicki said nonchalantly. Knowing Bey, she would tell Nicki that she would just live in an apartment so that she wouldn't be a bother to her at her house in L.A but Nicki wouldn't do her best friend like that. What kind of friend is she if she lets her own best friend live in an apartment where it sn't safe when you can even share your own house with her?. "You're going to live with me. No buts, no ifs. You're going back to L.A."
Bey sighed in disappointment, knowing that she couldn't fight her back. She had no choice, she would protest but still, Nicki is going to win. Without saying much, they left the restaurant, said their goodbyes to each other, talked about heir trip to L.A next week then went to their own separate ways.

Beyoncé laid down on his comfortable ned in her apartment and stared at the ceiling. She thought about going back to L.A, hell she didn't even know how long they will both stay there. Beyoncé left with too many hurtful memories so she went to New York so she could start a new life. She did and she found it with Marcus, unfortunately, turns out he only used her. He even used her experiences against her and threatened to tell people about it. Beyoncé was startled, she didn't knew Marcus would be like that kind of person. It wasn't the Marcus she met, who she thought was different to other men, who she thought he loved her and who she thought she loved.

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