🌹 Chapter Eight

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"Bey, does this look good on me?" Nicki asked as she walked around so Beyoncé can check her out. Beyoncé thought she's sexy as fuck to any dress she'd wear. "I don't think this makes my ass bigger.

Beyoncé laughed because she doesn't know how big her ass is. "Shut up. Your ass is big enough to let a guy fuck you right now." She rolled her eyes playfully and made Nicki chuckle. Nicki went back to the dressing room and get change. "Anyway, I've been thinking to move out of your house and ha--"

Before she could finish, Nicki went out of the dressing with arms on her chest, covering her bare chest and a Victoria's Secret panty. "You're what?!" Beyoncé jaw dropped seeing her like that and not to mention, in public. "No, you're not moving out. I'll have no one in the house." She frowned.

She scoffed, "Girl, why you lyin? You think I don't hear those loud noises at three in the morning?" She folded her arms and raised her eyebrow to her and Nicki looked at her, giving her a you-heard-that face. "Nothing opens at three in the morning but legs, babygirl."

Nicki laughed embarrassedly and went back to the changing room. "We all know you and that Pepe the frog looking Mill got a lil sumthin- sumthin." Beyoncé added, laughing.

Nicki was a little bit disappointed but that was true. "Oh my God, how'd you know that? But yeah, he does look like that frog." She laughed as she put on her tight ass pants.

"Nicki, I know I'm not rich. I don't own a house, I don't have a job. But all I know is that I have a life. I watch T.V, I read magazines. I have social media apps that keeps me entertained. I have Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and how do I know? Y'all trending in Twitter yesterday." Beyoncé announced in just one breath, rolling her eyes. Nicki got out of the dressing room and looked at her.

"Woah woah, wait wait." She raised up her hand for her to stop. "You got snapchat mah homie? And you didn't even told me you got one?" She looked at her like if she was crazy.

"Is that the only thing you heard from what I just said?" Beyonce scrunched up her face, trying to avoid her question.

"Uh-huh I know you didn't ditched my question. Why you didn't told me you got snapchat?" Nicki said looking and sounding hurt and Beyoncé could only roll her eyes.

"What you talking about? I got no snapchat." She defended as she stood and walking towards the cashier so Nicki can pay her things.

"Don't lie to me now." She sternly said and Beyoncé rolled her eyes again.

"Okay, fine but I didn't ditched your question, I just avoided it." She defended, Nicki shrugged and gave her its-just-the-same look. "I have one but I'm just starting." Nicki smiled and paid for her things and headed out of the store.

"Well I gottta have that username." She said.

"You will..." She smiled widely to her, "But not today." Beyoncé added as she smacked her lips. "And I have to find a job soon. I just can't use your money."

"Bey, it's fine though--"

"Thank you Nick, thank you so much for helping me but I have to stand up and do what I have to do." Beyoncé explained.

"But still, you're not moving out." Nicki pouted.

Beyoncé laughed. "Nicki," she whined then sighed. "Okay, how about I'll move out once I got a job and enough money to pay rent?"

"That's still moving out." Nicki frowned as Beyoncé chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. "Fine."

"Thank you babe." Beyoncé smiled. "Don't worry, I'll find an apartment near to your subdivision." She shrugged.

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