🌹 Chapter Twenty Eight

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Shawn and Beyoncé promised each other to tell everything in order to keep their relationship in line. However, Shawn did reminded her that but he's the one that needs the reminding and not her, he thought. He didn't told her what happened at the office with Alana but he thought it wasn't that deep so he let it go.

"Aye man, where's your girl?" He heard his friend and co-worker Dame as he dapped him up.

"She said she wasn't feeling fine so she's left at home." Shawn said as he grabbed a beer from the waiter. "So how's it going with Aaliyah?"

Back in the day, when Shawn was still in the music industry and in the name of Jay Z or Hov, Dame and him were very close friends. They still are but not as close as before because they were now grown and even more mature than before. A beef was rumored before that Dame and Shawn were both having affair with Aaliyah. But, Shawn was the one to let go and Dame took her. Shawn didn't regretted his decision because now, he got Beyoncé. No one has ever been like her nor even close to her. She's a Goddess and a piece of art.

"Everything's cool. We're expecting a baby girl though." Once Dame told him that they're expecting a baby, it was somehow bittersweet for Shawn. Before, he was this OG in the streets but now that he's grown and mature, he realized that he's a family man. He wanted a family of his own and he wanted it with Beyoncé.

"Aye man! Congrats!" Shawn greeted him in advance. "I'ma be an Uncle then." They both chuckled.

They took few more shots until Dame left to go mingle with the others. Shawn was left all alone, holding his beer on his hand. They were a lot of people, dancing to the beat and the others bobbing their heads with the music. It was not long until someone stood beside him. He didn't mind it at first but when he noticed that the girl beside him was staring at him. Shawn turned his head and saw it was Alana holding a beer on her hand, smiling at him.

"Enjoying the party?" Alan asked seductively as she get closer and closer to him. Shawn kept his composure and cleared his throat, hoping that she would stop and act cordial.

"Yeah, I am." He said not bothering to look at her then drink his beer. "Are you?"

Alan giggled and that made Shawn assumed that she's drunk. "Yes I am." She was starting to get tipsy. Shawn nodded. "Dance with me."

Before Shawn could ever speak, Alana pulled him into the dance floor and she danced in front of him. Alan turned around and faced her back to his and started winding her hips. Shawn didn't know what to do, he kept his front away from her back in able to avoid any erection but she kept going back to him. He tried to push her away but still it didn't stop her. Alana turned around and offered her drink to him but Shawn refused. She noticed the boner she had caused and she smirked so she thought of something.

"Come on." Again, before he could speak, she pulled him into a room. It was near the restroom. Shawn knew what room this is and this is where you interview people and it was a very comfy room.

"Alana...." Shawn called her name when she started hovering him. Alana caressed his body sexily then bit her lip as she looked at him. Shawn kept pushing her away but she won't.

"Come on, Shawn." She smiled seductively and held his chin. He yanked away from her touch. "Let me fix that boner I gave you." She smirked.

"Alana stop..." He sighed. Alana placed her hand on his crotch and rubbed him slowly. "Shit... stop." Shawn pulled

Alana smirked knowing that she got him. She continued rubbing him as she pushed him to the nearest wall. When she did, she lowered herself and got on her knees, unbuckling his belt but suddenly stopped when a hand stopped her.

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