🌹 Chapter Three

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"Thanks. I'll be on the office later." Shawn said to his assistant, Lily. "If anything happens, just call me immediately." He hung up after he heard Lily say okay. Shawn placed his phone back into his pockets and then his both hands. He walked down the streets of L.A with his black sweatshirt, Adidas pants and white sneaker. Shawn decided to take a break from paperworks so he looked for a coffee shop near the building so if anything happens at the office, he could just run back.

He saw this coffee shop and entered. Some of the customers noticed and recognized him because he's been in magazine for being one of the successful businessman in L.A. He walked towards the counter and ordered a Café Latte then paid for it. He waited for his order as he looked around the shop and noticed a familiar honey blond haired girl sitting in the corner with a book, covering her face.

"Here's your order, sir." The guy said as he handed his order. Shawn thanked the guy and made his way to the girl, but as soon as he got closer to her, he realized it was Beyoncé. Shawn couldn't help but smile to the coincidence and to see her. He sat in front of her without her noticing that he took his seat.

"The Rules?" She heard and definitely scared her. Beyoncé quickly put the book down just to see a familiar face, smiling to her. It's him, she thought.

"Woah, hey." She nonchalantly greeted him, right after she put the book down. She couldn't help but to smile, hell she didn't even knew they'll meet here coincidentally. This was Beyoncé's favorite coffee shop, even before she left.

"Hey." He replied, crossing his arms, leaning on the table as he placed his coffee on the table. "What does the book say?"
he asked with a confused look and for him to know what she's reading about and to make a conversation with her.

Beyoncé giggled, seeing him in confused look. She made an impression that book isn't his type and she was right. Books isn't in Shawn's list of hobbies. "You have to read it so you will understand."

Shawn gently grabbed the book, but he made sure he has her permission before doing it so. He looked at the front cover and for him, it was lame and boring. Beyoncé knew that face when it comes to judging the book and that made her frown.

"Don't judge the book by its cover, Shawn." She lowly said, reaching for the book and when she did, she grabbed it and placed it back to her hand bag. Shawn noticed her mood and the way she called his name. She's probably pissed, he thought and that saddens him.

"I'm sorry. It's just... books is not my type." He said, scratching his head. Beyoncé sighed deeply and shook her head slowly.

"It's fine. Most boys doesn't read books so I wasn't surprised if you think the book is lame and boring." She said as she slightly, bitterly giggled in between then took a sip of her Caramel Macchiato.

Shawn laughed as soon as he realized there were foams left on top of her philtrum and cupid's bow of her lip. Beyoncé didn't know what he was laughing at, there's nothing to be funny.

"You got..." He gestured and pointed at her mouth while chuckling and Beyoncé still doesn't know what he was talking about. She's getting pissed.

"I got what?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at him, that mad even more look funny to Shawn. Shawn tried hard not to laugh at her but he couldn't help but to make few sounds. He grabbed a napkin and leaned over to her to wipe the foams left on top of her lips. Beyoncé was surprised of his sudden actions and she felt her cheeks heating, turning her cheeks to a shade of pink.

As Shawn wipes away the phone gently and slowly, he noticed the blush of pink on her cheeks and he smirked a little. When he got closer to her, she was even more beautiful and she's flawless. Her skin would felt smooth and soft. Shawn moved away after wiping the mess and sat back to his chair whilst Beyoncé, left there sitting with still a blush of pink on her cheeks. Embarrassed and shy towards him.

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