🌹 Chapter Seven

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The sun beamed on her face as she sleeps. Beyoncé turned to her opposite side and felt a pillow beside her then opened her eyes. She didn't remember going home last night, she remember running away from her home. No, running away from Marcus. Beyoncé immediately sat from her, someone's bed. She looked around her surroundings and found out that she's not in her room, not in her house. It wasn't her bed. It wasn't her T.V. It wasn't her closet. Beyoncé noticed her outfit, it wasn't hers either. Someone changed her clothes.

"You're up early." Beyoncé heard a deep male voice and looks like he just woken up from his sleep. She turned to face him and saw him with a tray on his hand with breakfast on it. She hesitated to smile but gave him anyway. Beyoncé remembered last night, everything, from Marcus to Shawn. "You had a good sleep?"

"Very." She replied in her husky deep voice. Shawn walked towards her and placed the tray in front of her, she smiled not because of the caring he gave her but the food that is in front of her. However, she still appreciates his caring. No one has ever cared like this before.

"Here," He grabbed a spoon and fork and placed the egg on her plate with fried rice on it. "I thought you might feel even more better."

Beyoncé smiled. "I do and thank you." She looked up at him and made contact with his eyes, Shawn smiled. "For saving me. For last night."

"It's alright." He smiled again and poured a water to her glass then stood. "If you need anything, I'll be just on my room." He walked towards the door but stopped by Beyoncé.

"Shawn." She called as she bit her bottom lip. Shawn turned around to face her. "Eat with me, please?" Beyoncé looked at him and he smiled, nodding and made his way towards her, sitting right next to her then they both shared her breakfast.

Beyoncé just got out from the bathroom and is ready to change. She was surprised to see a full outfit laying on the bed, she smiled to herself and started wearing it. It was a white pleated romper and a sneaker she used last night. There was a box beside the outfit so she grabbed it and opened it, just to see a pair of new undergarments from Victoria's Secret. Beyoncé's jaw dropped and thought if he checked her size. He wouldn't do that, wouldn't he? Beyoncé wore it and changed into her outfit then checked herself in the mirror. Her hair laid there in her shoulders with its natural curls.
She then heard a knock and it opened.

"You look great." He complimented. Beyoncé turned to him and smiled.

"Thank you." She looked at the mirror again and remembered the undergarment. "Shawn, how did you get me these clothes? Tell me you didn--"

Shawn laughed, folded his arms and leaned on the frame door. "Don't worry, Bey. I didn't. I called my assistant, Lily and have her buy you that outfit and the other one." He chuckled as Beyoncé's sighed in relief.

"Thanks again." She smiled.

"Don't mention it. I'll be downstairs." He said as he held the door knob and closed it once Beyoncé nodded. When she finished everything, including her light make-up, she went downstairs to see Shawn in his phone talking to someone. Beyoncé walked carefully, not to bother him, but he noticed her. Shawn placed his phone on his chest and looked at her.

"Anything you need, Bey?" He asked. Beyoncé shook his head no and gestured him to continue his conversation with someone. She decided to look for her purse and found it resting on a kitchen counter. Probably, Shawn placed it there. "Alright, thank you Lily... Alright." He hung up and looked at Beyoncé who's waiting in the front door so she could say good bye.

"Thank you for everything, Shawn. I owe you a lot." She softly said, lowering her head.

"Where you going?" He asked.

Beyoncé laughed, "You'd think I would stay here for another night?" She scoffed, "No. I'm very thankful you helped me."

"Well you could always stay if you want." He smirked and then chuckled. "You're safer with me."

Beyoncé couldn't help but to blush when she heard the last sentence. She couldn't understand why he cared so much for her and they just met a few weeks ago, actually a month ago. Just when Beyoncé about to say anything the door opened and they both turned around to see who it was and it was Jessica. Shawn didn't expect her to just burst into his house just like that, he immediately got pissed.

"What the fuck you doing here?" Shawn immediately said as he placed Beyoncé behind him. Jessica look so confused at why is there a girl in his home and gave Beyoncé a look, anyway, she smiled at him and placed a hand on his chest. As for Beyoncé, she still couldn't find out what's happening.

"Is it bad to visit you?" She pouted and blew a strand of hair that's covering her face. "I missed you."

Shawn sighed deeply and looked at Beyoncé, who seems lost. He shook his head and grabbed Jessica outside to talk because firstly, this isn't her house to budge in like that and second, she ain't welcome. "I told you we are done." He sternly said.

"Baby, I love you and I don't know what to do without you." She said as she placed both of her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek. Shawn immediately pushed her away.

"No stop!" He yelled but more like a whisper. "You better leave my house. You're a no one for you to come in my house and burst in like that." Clearly, Jessica wasn't listening. She walked towards, ready to seduce him.

"Baby, please." She grabbed his cheeks but Shawn wasn't having it so he gripped his wrists and pushed her away, not too hard. "Was that because of that bitch right there!?"

Shawn gritted his teeth and ready hit her but he held it together. "Don't fucking call her out of her name."

Jessica scoffed, "I see now. So you two are fucking huh? Alright." She laughed, bitterly. "Don't come running back to me cause she ain't look a woman enough to me and she can't do what I can do, baby."

Shawn wants to laugh because he knew she wasn't that good in bed and she doesn't even respect herself so how dare she say 'not woman enough'. Clearly, Shawn knew she only wants his money because of how many times she asked for things, this and that.
"You got me twisted. Don't worry, you ain't gon hear a thing from me." He left her outside, calling his name over and over again but he ignored her and closed the door behind him once he's inside the house.

"I-I'm sorry. I better get going." Beyoncé said softly and Shawn sighed. She walked towards the door with her head down low and held the door knob but she was stopped by Shawn, grabbing her hand, indicating to not leave. Beyoncé looked at him confused and Shawn didn't even know why he did it. He felt someone is leaving him again but realized, Beyoncé isn't his and he isn't hers. He let go and let her leave the house, still without a knowledge about what had just happened. Shawn placed both hands to his head and groaned then rubbed his face.

"What is happening to me?"

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