🌹 Chapter Eleven

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The truck arrived and there were only two person in the truck that will carry her furniture and some things. Good thing Shawn and Trey are here to help because she got lots of stuff. Shawn started lifting some boxes and used the elevator, same as for Trey. It took thirty minutes before all the boxes and furniture were placed in her apartment.

"Thank you." Beyoncé told the two movers and tipped them. The movers left the room and Beyoncé turned to her apartment.

"Okay," She said under her breath and tying her hair into a bun, "Let's do this." She exclaimed as they started unpacking each boxes.

For the whole unpacking of the boxes, Shawn and Trey mean mugged each other whenever they crosses each other's paths. Or, challenge themselves who can unpack a box faster. Beyoncé thought that it was very childish of them to do that. Beyoncé decided to take a break since she couldn't stand the two of them fighting like an eight years old kids.

"Okay... Why don't we go take a break?" She stood and placing her hands on her hips. "I'm kinda thirsty and hungry so." She shrugged her shoulders.

Trey went to the kitchen and poured her some water and went to her to hand over the glass of water. "Here Beyoncé." He said and Beyoncé found it so weird.

"Well, okay. Thank you." Beyoncé hesitantly said to him while grabbing the glass. She went to her bedroom to get changed and left the two in the living room.

"That's one point for Trey... Boss." Trey smirked and making sure he emphasized the word 'boss' once Beyoncé shut the door of her bedroom. Shawn clenched his jaw and became disappointed but he kept his cool.

"Beyoncé is so beautiful you know. She's so hot." Trey smirked as Shawn went back to unpacking the boxes. Trey is right, she is beautiful and hot but he wouldn't say it like Trey, like he's craving for her.

"Sexy as fuck. Can't wait for her to be mine and fuck that puss--" Trey was cut by Shawn by pushing him. For Shawn, it was natural for a thug to say something like that but they're in Beyoncé's apartment and he doesn't have the right to say that because it's disrespectful.

"Shut your mouth up." Shawn stood, passing his height.

Trey just laughed, "Your just jealous nigga. You know I got a chance than you and wait for me to fu--" Shawn tried to stop himself but he will not disrespect her. The last Trey knew, he was punched by Shawn in the face and fell to the ground. Trey noticed a blood in his nose and wiped it by his hand then stood ready to swing but Shawn was quicker and punch him in his stomach and Trey stumbled back. Trey was now disappointed and he's ready to strike back. He kicked Shawn in the stomach making him fell to the ground and sat on top of him and punch him in the face over and over again.

"What the fuck is happening?!" They heard her and Trey looked up at her. Shawn took advantage and punch him in the face causing him to fell back. "Stop!" Beyoncé yelled. "Both of you stop!" Again, she stood between them.

"Y'all are so fucking childish!" She yelled, looking at Shawn then to Trey. Beyoncé looked around her room and saw some things on the ground. "And y'all got the nerve to fight in my apartment?! Get the fuck out!"

Shawn looked at Beyoncé with the intention to hold her and explain. "Don't touch me. Get out!" She yelled. Beyoncé turned to face Trey and noticed the blood dripping from his nose and mouth. "Get out and I don't want to see you anymore."
There was silence and no one is moving. Beyoncé sighed and rubbed her temples.

"Now." She said sternly and finally Shawn made the first move, followed by Trey.


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