🌹 Chapter Thirty

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Shawn dialed her phone number again but for the hundredth time, no one is answering. He had been calling her for three weeks now and he always have the same answer. He understood that she doesn't want to be called by him but he's worried sick and he just wanted to know how she's doing or is she fine.

"So did she answer?" Her sister Annie asked him as she entered the kitchen where Shawn is sitting at a bar stool.

"No." He said as he locked his phone and placed it aside then watch his sister grabbed some few snacks for Nathan.

"Text?" She asked. Annie has been worried sick too. Nathan also wondering why Beyoncé never came to play with him anymore.

Shawn sighed and shook his head. "None. Not even a simple dot or something to tell me she's fine." He said as he started to get pissed.

Annie nodded, "Maybe you should just give her a little more time, Jay. Give the girl a rest, you've been calling her nonstop." She paused as Shawn looked at his sister. "But I ain't saying you gotta stop cause you gotta wife that girl. Me and mama loves her so much so you better get her back." Annie pointed her finger as Shawn chuckled a little at his sister reaction.

"An, Bey blamed me for I don't even know." He smacked his lips. "I just don't get it. I did everything for her, I... I just. I just love her so much that I can die for her."

Annie looked at his brother. "Shawn, we all know she's been through a lot and you know what happened to her the most. She's still lost and still probably scared of what might happen to her so you better give her some time." Annie turned around and grabbed the bottle she got from the fridge. As she walked away, Nathan ran towards Shawn.

"Uncle JayJay!" He yelled in excitement as he jumped up and down, extending his arms for Shawn to carry him.

"What's up little man?" Shawn matched his excitement and carried him as he pinched Nathan's cheeks softly.

"Where's Auntie BB?" He asked.

When Beyoncé and Shawn was at the hospital, the time they visited Shawn's mother, Nathan was all up under Bey. Nathan sure does loves her and so does Beyoncé. Shawn, as they look at them both, he imagined Beyoncé as a mother and he knew, right there in that moment, he knew that she will be a one great great great mother for all her [and his, too] kids.

Once Nathan asked, Shawn's eyes met Annie's and they stared each other for a second, knowing that they just talked about her and that they couldn't just tell him that Beyoncé is gone for a litle while. It would really hurt the child's feeling. Shawn looked back at his nephew and smiled.

"Auntie BB is somewhere far." Shawn said, hoping that he wouldn't take that too seriously.

Nathan frowned and Shawn knew he did took it seriously. "Why is she far? She don't love me anymore? She don't want to play with me anymore? Am I bad?" Nathan started to cry as his lips pouted.

Shawn cooed, "No, no, no. Shhh." He wiped Nathan's tears. "It's not like that. She's far because she's on a vacation and she loves you so much and she'll be back to play with you."

"She'll be back to play with me?!" Nathan, was once again the happy and energetic kid. His eyes lit up as he heard that Beyoncé will be back to play with him. As for Shawn, he regretted it.
"Mommy! Auntie BB is coming back to play with me!" He announced as he jumps up and down then ran upstairs to his grandmother. As they were left alone in the kitchen, Annie instantly gave him a death glare. Shawn smacked his lips then sighed after.

"You know that kid will hope." Annie told him.

"I know. I didn't mean that. I just tried to..."

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