🌹 Chapter Two

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Beyoncé lit up her cigarette and started smoking in the smoking area of the airport. Days passed by so fast and she didn't even noticed that they were about o fly to L.A for the first time in years. Hell, she even forgot about it and forgot to fix her things. Nicki came and scrunched up her face, seeing her smoking in the corner. Nicki didn't like Bey smoking and she already warned her for so many time that it could do damage on her lungs or liver, Beyoncé knew it that's why she only smoke when she's stress and right now, she is.

"Thought you stopped smoking Bey?" Nicki placed her hands on her hips and looked at her. Beyoncé inhaled then exhaled the smoke before talking to her best friend.
"I'm just smoking cause I'm stress." She nonchalantly said to her as she did the same thing again then again. Nicki looked at her to tell her what's wrong. Beyoncé sighed and dipped it down the ashtray and threw it in the trash.
"It's Marcus. He's been blowing up my phone since the night and he also came by the apartment, good thing I wasn't there at that moment or else I'll be kicking his ass." They both chuckled at her explanation, she didn't expect it to be funny but Nicki started laughing so she joined in. "Good thing I'm going with you. I can't stand him."

Beyonce and Nicki went on their journey to L.A, It was a good 6 hour and half flight from New York to L.A, well because they both slept for four hours straight. When the plane landed, they got their bags and waited for Nicki's driver to come. After a while, Anthony came and apologized to Nicki for being 5 minutes late and helped them with their bags as Nicki and Beyonce hopped in. Beyoncé rested her head in the window glass as she watched the city filled with civilians and cars roaming around the city. She sighed, knowing that she have to face New York again. She felt warm hand in her bare thighs and looked up to Nicki with a concern face.

"You okay?" She asked, tilting her head with a small smile.
She didn't know if she's okay but she have to. There have been a lot of experiences she had experienced and she's still alive, so she decided to just go with the flow on what will happen to her life the next days.
"I will be." Giving her a small smile, Nicki nodded in satisfaction and Beyoncé turned her head again to the window, thinking what will happen to her tomorrow then to the other days she will be staying.

Anthony pulled in the driveway, in front of Nicki's house. He got out and grabbed their belongings in the car's trunk as Nicki and Beyoncé got out of the car. Nicki smiled, missing her house and now that she's back with her only best friend, she's even more happier because she won't be alone anymore. Nicki used her key and unlocked the door as Anthony dragged their bags inside, carefully. Beyoncé thanked Anthony and also Nicki then gave him a tip then left.

Beyoncé looked around the house and it was amazing. It was filled with fancy furniture and it's also very neat, nothing like her old apartment. Of course, her best friend is one of the high paid models, that's how she got her house. Nicki's phone started ringing so she took it out of her pocket and answered it.
"Hey Deb." She said. "Yeah, we just landed."
Nicki pulled away her phone and placed it in her chest then mouthed, "Be back."
She walked towards her kitchen and Beyoncé were left alone in the living room. Once again, she looked around the house and saw some of Nicki's photoshoot and magazines. She smiled while looking at the magazines with Nicki on the cover pages.
Beyoncé took her phone out of her hand bag and checked it, she isn't surprise that she got no messages or calls from someone because she didn't have that much of friends. She'd rather make her circle of friends small, especially those who can she trust. In that way, there would be less drama, according to her.

"Hey sorry 'bout that. It's Deb," Nicki came back from the kitchen. "Told her we just landed and says I have two days before the photoshoot."
Beyoncé nodded, "Come on, let me show your room."
"You already prepared my room huh?" Beyoncé chuckled as she grabbed her bag and followed Nicki upstairs.
"Girl, I'm always three steps ahead than my manager." She respond with a slight chuckle.
Beyoncé rolled her eyes as they reached the guest's bedroom. Nicki opened the door as they got in and Beyoncé stood in amazement with her jaw dropped on the floor. She noticed the bedroom wasn't just a bed with a t.v and a bathroom, it was all prepared just for her. It feels like home, she thought.
"You don't have to, you know." She says as she noticed the bouquet of white roses on her night stand. "These flowers are expensive." She added.
Nicki knew how much Beyoncé loves white roses so she bought it for her, she didn't mind the money too much because she gets paid really high.
"I know how much you love 'em and how expensive they are doesn't matter. Oh and get ready, we going to Popeyes," Nicki said as Beyoncé face lit up because she's been hungry since they landed. "I know your ass is hungry."

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