🌹 Chapter Nineteen

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She heard him. She knew she wasn't hallucinating. She felt his arms around her before she doze off again. He came for her. He came to save her. Beyoncé's awake but her eyes were close, she didn't feel like opening it right now because she thought she's still in that very same room where they kept her. However, she felt comfortable unlike the dirty room she was in before. Her hands roamed the floor but it wasn't a floor. It was something smooth, comfy and soft sheets under her. Under her head was the same, she assumed a pillow. She opened her eyes and a bright light was what she saw first, it took a few seconds to adjust and she finally opened her eyes. Beyoncé's eyes roamed around the room. Two couch across the bed and another one to the right of the bed, a small kitchen, a bathroom, a small table and finally a vase filled with white roses, her favorite, on top of the small nightstand beside her.

White roses.
She must've sent this for her, she thought. Once Nicki got a call from Shawn that Beyoncé was sent to the hospital, she quickly gathered her belongings and walked out of the photoshoot just to go to the hospital. Nicki was so happy that she's finally found but angry at the same time. She wanted that rapist to rot in hell and for doing that to her best friend. Rapists thought its fine to rape someone but it doesn't, it could kill anyone. It could kill someone else's dreams, etc.. Nicki knew what Beyoncé had been through and she just wanted her to be safe and fine.

Beyoncé smiled now that she knows that she's out of the cage and that situation. She then felt something on her left hand, it was Shawn's hand, intertwined with hers. He must've held her hands while she's sleeping the whole time. Seeing him was the first thing she ever wanted to see. His sleeping head was facing her, his eyes were closed but she wanted to see his eyes but she doesn't want to wake him up either. He looks so cute when he's sleeping, she thought. His lips, those big full lips that she's craving for, honestly. When they first kissed, she wanted to do it again and taste his lips fully. She wanted to go deeper than a kiss. She wanted to do more. And she wanted to do it with him, with Shawn. Beyoncé knew she wanted him but she doesn't know how to tell him. Beyoncé ran a finger on his head, she noticed how fresh and clean his hair cut, he must've gotten a new hair cut. Shawn moved a little and later on, he opened his eyes, she didn't intentionally woke him up but he did.

"Bey?" He said with his husky deep voice. "Hey, you're awake. Are you feeling fine? Something aching? Is your back fine? You need something? Tell me." Shawn immediately asked her, getting off of his chair. Beyoncé could only smile since her throat was aching and dried up. She didn't need anything, in fact, she just needed him. Beyoncé shook her head no and just looked at his now opened eyes. It shone, just like the way it shines when she sees it.

Shawn took a seat again and held her hand again. Her face was pale and her lips were chapped, she got bags under her eyes but she still looks good. Shawn was just happy to have her back and he will make sure nothing will happen to her again. His eyes never left hers, they just stared for minutes.

The room was silent but their minds were loud enough for just the two of them to hear, because they only wanted on thing.

They heard a knock and the door opened. The two broke their eye contact and looked at the person who just walked in. They assumed it was the doctor because he was wearing a white coat that ends just after his knee, a stethoscope around his neck, and a clipboard on his hands. He has a fresh cut, brown eyes and a puffy lips to end and he seems like to be 28 or 29. Shawn noticed the way Beyoncé looks at him, she was staring at the doctor and it made Shawn feel some type of way so he cleared his throat and stood to meet the doctor.

"Hey, I'm Shawn. Her boyfriend." He bluntly said to him as he faced the doctor. He wish he is but if that's what she wanted him to be. It wasn't something Beyoncé expected him to say and she was just surprised to say anything.

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