🌹 Chapter Fourteen

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(A/N: Nicki and Beyoncé's outfit, minus the fur. Let's imagine they are wearing that and an oversized shirt to cover.)

Hawaii is amazing, Beyoncé thought. The two of them spent their first three days in zoo's, tourists spots and restaurants. They also bought souvenirs wherever they stop at some souvenir shop to remind them about this amazing vacation they are having.
It was fun but also tired as they go back to their hotel which is just in front of a beach. Every morning is such a beauty because of their view, where they can see the sun rise.

"Bey! Look at these shells!" Nicki exclaimed as they walked around the shops near the beach. "They look so sparkly. I think I'm going to buy this one."

Beyoncé chuckled and took a sip of her coconut juice in a coconut shell. "Nicki, you already bought some shells. Come on, Nick. Let's go I wanna see some fire dancers!"

It was night time, and when it's dark, every night they have some small feast. There were some dancers, singers, great music and many more. Oh and they also serve some beers so the audience can still enjoy. Beyoncé dragged Nicki away from the shop and on to the open area where the feast is. They took some seats and watched the fire dancers dance with the fire and the others, breathing fire. (I'm the dragon breathing fire ✌️) A waiter approached them, only wearing an Hawaiian outfit, you know the palm skirt and no shirt. Nicki bit her bottom lip as she looked at his body. She can see that he has a nice body. Abs, check. Biceps, check. V-line, check. Smile, check. God damn.

(A/N : Let's just imagine he's wearing those

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(A/N : Let's just imagine he's wearing those.)

"Anything you would like to order, ladies?" He simply asked, smiling at them and looking at Nicki who can't seem to stop biting her lip and eye fucking him.

"Can I just order you... for the night?" Nicki seductively said as she winked at him but mumbled the last words. Beyoncé rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I'll just have some tequila and also for her." Beyoncé smiled at him and the waiter nodded.

"I'll be back with your drinks." He said as he look again at Nicki and wink then left.

"You know you have a man, right?" Beyoncé said looking at her best friend as she chuckled.

Nicki chuckled, "We'll be here for two weeks and a girl has needs as much as guys." She shrugged her shoulders as Beyoncé was about to open her mouth, Nicki interrupted her. "And fine, yes. I'm a hoe if that's what you'd want to say."

Hours passed by and they had fun watching and experiencing the little feast. They drank until they got drunk, except for Beyoncé. She can hold her liquor. She can get drunk and still be sober at the same time but her hangover is definitely not agreeing with her every morning. Nicki got drunk and holla at every hot guy she'll see and ask to have sex with her and of course, Beyoncé did her best for her to stop.
They both got back in their hotel rooms, plus one. Yes, Nicki did order the waiter guy and they are now both in their room. The room where they are both sharing. The bed where they are both sharing. Now, Beyoncé wouldn't want to touch or even be near the bed and she asked for another room for her to stay for two weeks cause she's definitely sure this will happen again.

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