🌹 Chapter Eighteen

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She's free! No, she's not. Eric's men were fast enough to get the hint and hurried to catch her and they did. She didn't thought that they would be this many and even though she hide or tried to sneak out, she can't leave because all of them were scattered. Beyoncé got out of his room as quietly as possible while Eric, who's hands were handcuffed, yelled for his men. Beyoncé cursed and just ran as fast as she could but men were already on their way to see what's happening. She hid behind a huge wooden box when she saw a bunch of men running towards her and fortunately, they didn't saw her hid. Once they passed her, she continued to run and this time, she saw a metal door and no one's guarding it.


Beyoncé looked for his men, no one's in her sight. A strand of hair blocked her eyes so she placed it at the back of her ear. She now ran towards the metal door and once she got there, she turned the handler but it was locked. Secured. She can't escape, unless she have the key.

"She's there!" Someone yelled. Beyoncé quickly turned around to see and bunch of guys came running towards her. She looked to her left, a hallway but then guys came out from the corner. She then looked to her right, dead end. Trapped. Her heart started to beat fast and she's going into a panic attack, her eyes started to get blurry and her hands started to shake. She couldn't move her body. She thought she's free but she isn't. In no time, two guys grabbed her arms harshly while Beyoncé came back to her senses.

"Let me go!" She yanked and yanked until she can escape from their grips but it didn't happened. "Let me go you mother fucker!" She kneed the other guy and the man screamed in agony as he let go of her other arm to hold his crotch.

One guy, with a beard in his face, tats on top of his eyebrow, a scar under his eye and a single silver tooth in his mouth, grabbed her arm so she couldn't escape. Beyoncé tried to do the same but the guy showed her a gun and she then stopped. If she didn't, she would've been dead by now. Dragging her to Eric's room, they pushed her inside and threw her in the bed. It was the room that she hated the most, it was filled with smoke and smelled like weeds. The floor were wooden and dirty. The wall were cream and covered with colored black paint or spray letter, like a graffiti in the streets.
Eric's back was facing her then turned around with an angry face, rubbing his wrists.

"So you want to escape huh?" He said them smirked. Walking towards her, he took his white shirt off, revealing his tattoos all over his body and a six pack abs, which she isn't interested in. Beyoncé kept her mouth shut and looked away but Eric held her face and let him faced her. Eric looked directly at her with lust and anger, he kissed her deeply and harshly. Beyoncé felt a tear fall down to her cheeks while Eric started doing his thing.

"You gon be on yo punishment." He stated as he ripped her top while Beyoncé screamed and punched him off of her. She doesn't want it. Hell, she never wants this to happen to her in the first place.

"This is fo the final."

Beyoncé didn't quite understood what he told her and she didn't even want to know what or why. He took her panties off and quickly took his pants off and boxers, leaving him with his dick. He wasted no time and shoved it inside her then fucked her merciless as she screamed and cried for help.

Pacing back and forth, he couldn't stop thinking of her. Is she doing fine right now? Is she locked up right now? What do you think he's doing to her? Fuck. Is he raping her? Eric Raping her is the last thing Shawn wanted and he'll make sure he's going to pay for what he's done and to the other girls he kidnapped, raped and murdered.

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