🌹 Chapter Six

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"Can you just fucking leave me alone?!" Beyoncé yelled on top of her lungs. Marcus came all the way from New York to Los Angeles to see her and bring her back home but Beyoncé isn't going to let that happen. "You fucking used me you mother fucker!"

"I don't fucking know what the fuck you're talking about!" He protested. "Now let's go!"

"No you asshole! Get out!" She pushed Marcus away from her room and closed the door but Marcus was too fast, he placed his foot before she could ever close it.

"No. You're coming back with me." Marcus grabbed her arms but she yanked it away. Nicki isn't home, she's at the studio, having their photoshoot for a sport magazine. Marcus gritted his teeth and grabbed her again by her arm, this time he tightened his grip to her, making her squeal.

"I'm not coming back. I'm not going with you!" Beyoncé kept yanking and yanking, hoping that he'll lose his grip from her arm but it wasn't working. "Let go!" She yelled. Marcus dragged her by her arm. When Marcus surprised her at the door, she quickly shut it and ran upstairs but Marcus is strong so he managed to get in and followed her upstairs.

"Shut up! Bitch!" He shouted back immediately as he dragged her downstairs. He didn't care if he's hurting her as long as he get her back with him. Beyoncé is getting weaker because of trying to get away from him, there's still no use, he's still stronger than her. She tapped her back pocket and hoped that her phone is there and it is in there.

"You're hurting me!" She yelled again, hopefully someone will hear her. Marcus reached the front door and loosen his grip a little bit. Beyoncé noticed and used that advantage to get away. She firstly hit him in his crotch and he yelled in pain. "Serve you right!"

She quickly grabbed her purse from the kitchen counter. Marcus was already recovering inch by inch and tried to reach her but Beyoncé punched him in the face, times two. Marcus coughed and tried to get up. Beyoncé kicked his stomach.

"That! Is for using me nigga!" She said as she kicked him again. "That! Is for cheating on me!" She paused and placed a strand of her hair at the back of her ear then kicked him again. "And that! Is for wasting my time!" She kicked him one last time, this time harder. "And that! Is for calling me a bitch! Nigga!"

Marcus coughed and coughed. Beyoncé looked at him and thought about what she's done. She sure that he deserves it after what he's done to her but she didn't thought that she'd beat him that hard. Marcus tried to get up and Beyoncé ran outside before Marcus gained his strength and do something to her. She doesn't have a car so she ran and ran, not knowing where to go actually. She remembered her phone from her back pocket, she took it out and dialed a phone number.

"Hello?" She heard and she sighed in relief as she ran. Beyoncé looked back and saw Marcus went out of the house, limping a little.

"Shawn! Help me!" Beyoncé exclaimed as she ran then looked back. Marcus saw her running and started to run, it startled her.

"Beyoncé where are you?" Shawn said worriedly, and he started to panic. He quickly jumped out of his office chair and told Lily to cancel all his night meetings and he'll be out early. "Stay where you are." He said, rushing towards the elevator.

Beyoncé ran to an alleyway and made a few turns. She found a large garbage bin and hid behind it. She can hear Marcus' footsteps and pantings and it scared her.
"Shawn.." Beyoncé muttered to herself, hoping that he'll find her anytime soon.

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