🌹 Chapter Twenty One

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"Anything going on with you two?"

"Huh?" Beyoncé was currently fixing the flower vase, she brought flowers for Gloria. She heard her name being called so she instantly turned around.

"Is there anything going on between you and Shawn?" Gloria asked. She knew something was going on between them. Shawn has been very quiet and he barely talks with somebody and today, Beyoncé was one too.

Beyoncé frowned, hearing his name. "No, mama. Everything's.." She sighed, "Fine." Beyoncé smiled and continued fixing the vase.

"Come on now, child." Gloria rose from her bed and laid her back, Beyoncé helped her and placed a pillow on her back for her to feel comfy. "I know something is bothering you and Shawn has been acting lately so there must be a problem. You can tell mama everything."

Beyoncé took a seat beside her and sighed. "Everything was a mess mama and it's my fault." She started. She wanted to tell what exactly happened but then she remembered it was her son that raped and abused her so she decided not to bring it up. "Shawn did everything for me. He helped me in every way but I was too blind to see it. I didn't even thanked him for everything he had done for me. I was being so selfish that I even took him for granted." Beyoncé's eyes filled with tears, it started to fall.

Gloria sighed with a frown. "That boy loves you so much for him to do everything for you." She said as she caressed her head.

"He does. I don't know what I'm feeling mama. I'm so messed up." Beyoncé cried.

"Do you love him?" Gloria asked. Beyoncé wiped her tears and looked at her. She was silent but she already knew her answer, it was when he confessed his love for her. She didn't knew she love him until he confessed.

"Yes. I do. But I don't know if I'm ready to be in a relationship after what happened to me before." She sniffed.

Gloria understands her but she felt the need to tell her this, "Beyoncé, I don't know you for long and I don't know what had happened to you in the past but somehow you gotta let it go for you to let someone in. Do not live in the past baby, the past is in the past and take it as a lesson and use it in the present." She softly said, "If you love him as you said you love him, show him. Prove it to him that you do love him before someone else's does." Gloria paused to wipe Beyoncé's tears. "Before it's too late, baby." She added.

Little did they know, Shawn was standing in the corner, listening to their conversation. He didn't know that Beyoncé's going to be here and he didn't know that they were having this kind of conversation. While Shawn was watching his two of his love of his life interacting, he mind drifted to Beyoncé. She told her that she loves him. That means, everything is going to be okay now, right? Or is it?

Shawn decided not to bother them, not because of they are having a good tine with each other, but because of Beyoncé. He wouldn't know how to act or what to say in front of her. It would just be an awkward situation for them both. Shawn turned around to exit the room when his mother called his name.

"Shawn, you're here." Gloria called. Beyoncé wasn't aware since her back was facing him, so she turned around to see him with an open mouth. He didn't want to be seen but he is. He saw her face and she was as beautiful as ever. She couldn't even look at him straight in the eyes because of embarrassment and shame.

"Uh, hey ma." He hesitated to talk but then, it's his mother. Beyoncé looked down because she knew he wouldn't acknowledge her. "Uhm, I was just about to leave so, I'll see you later ma." He said after giving his mother a kiss on the forehead before heading to the door.

Gloria frowned. "Uh huh, boy. Get your black ass back here." She spat as Shawn smacked his lips and went back to his mother. "I know you two has something going on and I want y'all to fix it as adults. I was rooting for both of you. Now go outside and talk." She spat.

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