🌹 Chapter Seventeen

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"Yo man, you gotta chill man." Ty told his friend Shawn through the phone call.

"How could I be chill if Beyoncé's still out there!" He yelled. Silence came in as he calmed himself down, sighing hard. "Look, Ty. I just need you to find her immediately."

Ty is one of his friend who has connection with FBI's and detectives. Shawn asked for his helped since five days already had passed and there's still no sign of her. The police here in Hawaii ain't giving fucks about what's happening so Shawn decided to make his move by calling Ty.

"I'll do what I can man. I gotta go, I'll call you later when we find something aight? Take care man." Ty told him as he hung the phone call.

Shawn then dialed his sister's phone number and she answered on the fourth ring. "Hello?"

"Hey how's mama?" He asked.

"She's doing fine and she's sleeping right now, actually." Shawn nodded, hearing that his mom is in good condition. "How are you? Did they found her already? Any update?"

Shawn heavily sighed, he knew who's she's talking about and it just frustrates him because he haven't found her. He told about what had happened to Beyoncé except his mom. He knew how much his mom liked her and he wouldn't want her to stress if she found out. A lot has been going on now. Two of his love of his life in danger and he wouldn't know who to prioritize. His mom is in the hospital and needed him but Annie is there to take care of her. But still, he's still her son and should be there for her mom. Beyoncé, on the other hand, is missing and he should be the one protecting her. He promised her. And he failed. But he's here in Hawaii with Nicki, not with his mother, and he's here because he's going to save her. Right now, he knew his top priority and that is Beyoncé.

"I'm fine and no, they haven't. But they told me they already found a lead to where they might have brought her and held her captive." Shawn explained.

Annie sighed and shook her head, "I hope she's okay. She's a strong girl I know that for sure. Don't worry Jay, I know you'll fine her." Just as Shawn was about to speak, he heard his name from the other line. "Jay, mama wants to talk to you."

Annie gave her phone to Gloria, "Ma?" Shawn asked.

"Hey baby, how's vacation?" That's one thing, Shawn hated lying to his mother. He told her that he's going to vacation in Hawaii and hang out with Nicki and Beyoncé. She doesn't know anything about the kidnapping thing.

"It's amazing, Ma. The palm trees are amazing." He said as he chuckled a little.

"Great! Hope you and your brother see each other there. You know you haven't seen each other for awhile." She said and mentioning his brother's name took him aback. Shawn's face was in confusion and asked his mom again.

"Eric? What about Eric? He went there? He visited you?" He bombed his mother with these questions.

"Yes baby, he's in Hawaii. Maya told me he's been going back and forth so I was hoping you two will hang out. And no, he didn't visited me. You know your brother, he's a hard worker."Her mother explained. This time, Shawn already knew what's up and he realized what had just happened. He grew anger by the minute, clenching his jaw and turning his hand into a fist. And hard worker his ass, he ain't doing anything. He's doing shit. A lot of shit.

He knew for the first time his brother and Beyoncé met, his brother was up to something. He should've known that he's the one who held her captive. How could he be so stupid? He knew his brother gets what he wants and this time, it was Beyoncé. It was Beyoncé who he wants and now, he finally got her. Shawn began starting to feel scared, because he knew his brother is such a dog and now that he has Beyoncé, he might just...

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