🌹 Chapter Twenty Four

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The sun rose and stretched its rays. It hit her soft skin that made her turn around and slowly opened her eyes. She saw a beautiful human being. His eyes were close but she can imagine his eyes, they were very brown. His freckles all over his face and she thought it's the cutest thing. His lips were just as juicy as she thought. She caressed his face and smiled then she suddenly felt coming out of her mouth so she carefully left the bed without the intention to wake him up. She ran to the bathroom and get on her knees in front of the toilet bowl and released the liquid, which disgusted her after. She felt someone lift up her hair as she continues to puke. It kind of embarrassed her because no one likes to see someone puking and here he is, watching her and caressing her back.

"You okay, baby?" He asked her with a tone of concern. She laid her back at the side of the tub and wiped her mouth. She nodded and stood then flushed the toilet. She then walked to the sink and rinsed her mouth.

"I'm fine baby, thank you." She said then rinsed again her mouth. "You can go, I'll be alright." She smiled as Shawn nodded and hesitantly walked out of the bathroom. Beyonce looked at herself in the mirror and sighed deeply. She felt like puking again so she just rinsed her mouth to prevent it then brushed her teeth. Maybe she just ate too much Popeyes last night and take it all out. Maybe just stress. She went downstairs and saw Shawn preparing their breakfast while dancing to the rhythm. She quietly walked up to the counter and sat in one of the bar stool and watched him, smiling. Shawn turned around and he laughed.

"Somebody's in a good mood." Beyoncé smiled.

"Yup." Shawn nodded as he prepared their bacon and eggs in a plate.

"And why is that?" She stood to grab a glass.

"Well..." Shawn dragged, "I'm on a day off today and I was thinking we can go out tonight?" He placed his arms around her waist and kissed her neck softly.

Beyoncé smiled then looked up at him, "I'd love to, but I'm going to look for a school today so we might not have our date tonight." She frowned, "But I'll make it up to you, baby." She kissed his cheeks as she prepared two coffees for both of them. They both ate breakfast in silence. Shawn reading his newspaper as he sipped in his coffee while Beyoncé used her phone to search for schools that she can afford or near her apartment so she wouldn't travel too far, also looking for a part time job to support herself. Shawn looked at her and admired her beauty. She is just a Goddess. Her honey blonde curly hair tied up in a messy bun with her reading glasses on her eyes and her lips being naturally plump and full.

"Is there something wrong in my face Shawn?" She didn't looked at him, but she knew he was staring at her for like minutes now.

Shawn chuckled, "Nope. I was just admiring how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to be with you." He sweetly said making her stop at what she was doing and looked up at him, smiling and her cheeks turning into a shade of pink. She was blushing so hard.

"Thank you..." She shyly said to him as she smiled, showing his perfect white teeth. "I'm so lucky to have you too, baby." She leaned to give him a peck in the lips then smiled to each other. After a while, Shawn washed the dishes while Beyoncé continued looking for schools and jobs in the living room. When he finished washing, he sat next to her.

"So what school you wanna go?" He asked her as he placed an arm around her.

"Well I did pretty good in my high school and I graduated valedictorian so I think I can make it to University of California or whatever university as long as I can finish schooling." She said then went back to searching for part time jobs.

"What are you taking?" He asked.

"Business Major." She smirked.

"Oh I see." He smirked. "So you tryna challenge me huh? Tryna take over my company?"

"Not yet boo." She chuckled. "Once I get my Business Degree, you're going down." She did her gangsta face and Shawn laughed.

"You gangsta now? Huh?" He chuckled as Beyoncé kept doing the face. "You gangsta now? You a thug now?"

"Aye nigga, sexy little thug." Beyoncé smirked as Shawn licked his lips and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Baby?" He called.

"Mhmm?" She hummed, not looking at him. Shawn sighed and grabbed her shoulders to turn her around and face him.

"I know you don't like me to spend money for you but please, let me help you. Just this, for your schooling and I'm not going to do anything anymore. Please, just let me help." Shawn looked at her and showed his sparkling eyes. Beyoncé thought for a while, if she's going to have a job then it will going to take time before she even gets to her school. If she accepted his offer then she doesn't have to worry about her school and just worry about her money for herself.

"Shawn..." She called.

"Mmhm?" He smiled.

"You look disgusting in that puppy face. Fix your face." They both laughed and played with each other for a little while. They played tag and of course, Shawn caught her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"So what do you say?" Shawn ask her as he nibbled on her ear.

"Fine." Beyoncé rolled her eyes. "But, just for school okay?" She turned around.

Shawn raised his right hand and promised, "Just for school." He smiled.
She smiled. They both smiled.

"Thank you." Beyoncé hugged him and he hugged her back. Shawn kissed her forehead and caressed her back.

"I got you, babe."


Shawn entered the building with greetings from his employees, including Trey. He didn't want to see him though and as much as he wanted to fire him, he wouldn't. Trey has a lot of ideas which can help make his company even bigger and successful.

"Good Morning, Mr. Carter." He greeted Shawn but Shawn walked by passed him saying the same thing without looking at him. Shawn directly went to the elevator and pushed the button. As the door was about to close, someone stopped it by hand and Trey was the one. Shawn smacked his lips to himself, making sure no one saw it.

"How's your morning, Mr. Carter?" He asked as if they were close or nothing happened.

"Good, just minding my business." He placed a hand on his pocket and looked at him. "Maybe you should try it too, it's very peaceful." Shawn spat, he noticed that Trey smacked his lips but didn't said a thing afterwards. The elevator dinged and they both got out of the elevator. Shawn directly went to his office and called Lily, his other secretary.

"Lily..." He called. "Uhm yeah, I think you should rest. No, you didn't do anything wrong. I mean, start living your life and be the boss of your own. I sent your last paycheck and I hope you have fun. Thank you for your service, Lily." He said and then hung up. He promised Beyoncé no girl secretaries so he have to do what he have to do. Lily is such a great secretary unlike Mike. Lily is just a year older to Shawn and younger to Mike. Mike was his personal secretary and Lily was his office secretary but since Mike left, he probably needs a new personal secretary. He then decided to call the agency.

"Yes, Hi. This is Shawn Carter." He said then listened to the guy talking on the other end of the line. "The company is needing of a secretary and please make it a male." He pleaded.

"I'm very sorry. We don't do any requests from our clients and we don't control who to give you. I hope you understand and your secretary will be there in three days. Have a good day." The guys said. Shawn sighed and placed the telephone down and rubbed his face.

He just hope his secretary wouldn't be a girl or else he would be fucked up.

• • •

A short ass chapter🙄
Y'all I'm going to be gone for three days so I might not update but while I'm gone, I'm gonna ready the other chapters and update once I'm back.

So what do y'all think with this chapter? I know it's short but I hope y'all like it.

Keep reading! 💋

Until then,

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