🌹 Chapter Nine

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Beyoncé went with Nicki to her photoshoot because she doesn't recall doing anything today. After that night, Beyoncé and Shawn kept in touch such as texting each other. It was something that Beyoncé waits for every night. Her phone vibrated and pulled it out of her pocket.

Shawn 🔼 : Hey Bey. 🐝
10:45 A.M

Bey 🐝 : Hey Shawn.
10:45 A.M

Shawn 🔼 : What you doing?
10:46 A.M

Bey 🐝 : I'm at Nicki's photoshoot. I don't want to be bored so I went with her. 🙄
10:47 A.M

Shawn 🔼 : Oh. 🤔
10:47 A.M

Bey 🐝 : What?
10:47 A.M

Shawn 🔼 : Nothing 🙃 Come outside and meet me at the ground floor.
10:48 A.M

Beyoncé was confused and thought if he's really outside the building. Beyoncé walked over to Nicki since it's their break.

"Nick." She called as she gave her a bottle. Nicki thanked her and looked at her like if there's something wrong. "How does Shawn know this building?"

Nicki chuckled, "He owns this. His office is at the top floor and why do you ask?" She eyed Beyoncé and she nudge her.

"Nothing." She shook her head. "By the way, I'll just go outside and look for something to eat." She reasoned.

"Okaaaayy, say hi to Mr. Carter for me!" She exclaimed and Beyoncé rolled her eyes and ignored her as she walked out of the big room.

Beyoncé walked towards the elevator and pushed the G button when someone yelled to stop and she did. She held the door as a tall light-skinned man hopped inside the elevator. He thanked her and Beyoncé smiled then let the door close.

"Thanks again by the way." He spoke after a moment of silence.

"Oh sure, you're welcome." She said smiling at him then looked back at the buttons. Another moment of silence then he spoke again. You can tell that the room is full of awkwardness.

"I'm Trey." He said, extending his arms for her to shake. "Nice to meet you..."

"Beyoncé." She smiled then shook his hand. "And you too, Trey." She pulled out her hand.

"So you work here too?" Trey asked, trying to make a conversation.

Beyoncé looked up to him, "Oh no. I'm not, I'm just here because of a friend." She said and the elevator dinged and the door opened.

"Oh." He said, "After you."

Beyoncé walked out the elevator, "Thank you and I'll see you around." She said as she waved him good bye. Trey smiled and pulled out his phone.

"Can I get your number, Beyoncé?" He asked. Beyoncé wasn't sure if she wants to give her phone number and she doesn't give her phone number to someone she just met. But what's there to lose?

"Uhm sure." She said as he handed her over his phone and Beyoncé dialed her number. "Here." She then gave it back after.

"Thanks." He said as he placed his phone back and looked at his watch. "Ohh, I gotta go. I'll try to call you later." Beyoncé nodded and With that he stormed off.

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