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Tris's POV

I wake up to someone rubbing my stomach gently. I look over and find Tobias staring at my stomach sadly, tears in his eyes, his large, calloused hand rubbing it in small, calm circles.

"Hey." I whisper gently.

He looks at me with a sad smile on his face.

"Hey. Sorry." He removes his hand from my stomach and lays down properly again, facing me.

"It's fine. I do it all the time." I admit.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I should have been there. I should have stayed with you in the Bureau."

"It's not your fault Tobias. If it wasn't me it would have been Caleb. I was dying after he shot me, but he used some stupid medicine thing and it healed me then he did what he did."

"I should have known you weren't actually dead."

"There was no way you could have known, he covered it up too well."

A tear slides down his cheek and I rub it away.

"Please don't cry."

"I'll try not to." He laughs slightly and I laugh too, for the first time in two years. "I love you, Tris."

"I love you, too."

We kiss and it feels like our first. We haven't kissed in two years. We haven't done anything in two years.

Because of David.

Though I do blame myself.

I went into the weapons lab.

That's how David was able to hold me captive.

"Are you hungry? I'll go and make some breakfast for all of us."

I nod and he gets out of bed, he holds out his hand and I take it.

He helps me up and we walk into the living room, hand in hand, to find my parents and Uriah sitting on the large sofa, watching TV quietly.

I sit on the other sofa whilst Tobias asks what everyone wants for breakfast and heads to the kitchen to make it.

"Did you tell him?" Mum asks me.

I just nod.

We eat breakfast and afterwards Tobias tells us what's been going on in the city.

Shauna and Zeke are married, Shauna can walk again thanks to some medication my brother made her. Caleb is married to Susan, our old friend from Abnegation. They have a one year old daughter named Beatrice Natalie Prior. I'm an aunt. Christina is single. Amar and George got married.

The bigger things are that the faction system is still in place but you are allowed to go to the other factions whenever you want, therefore 'Faction before Blood' no longer exists. The factions work more towards their manifestos rather than what the previous government wanted. Each faction has two leaders who meet once a week to discuss things in the city and ways to improve the lives of its inhabitants. The factionless sector also no longer exists. The people who were factionless were able to go to any faction they wanted and train before taking up a job. There will be no more factionless people in the future.

When you're sixteen you still have to take a test and you still get to pick a faction but you no longer have to worry about not making it and you can see your family whenever.

Evelyn left as part of a peace treaty with Marcus and Johanna, but she is allowed back in six months' time so long as she stays peaceful and doesn't start any other disagreements, or wars, with the city. Marcus is no longer leader but still resides in Abnegation. He has no contact with Tobias.

"So, you all need some clothes so I will go shopping to get you some. What sizes are you all?" Tobias asks.

We tell him our sizes and he says he'll be back in a few hours before kissing me sweetly and leaving the apartment, locking the door behind him.

The four of us sit there, watching TV for about half an hour before I start yawning.

"Beatrice, honey, why don't you go and get some sleep?" My mum suggests.

I nod and walk into Tobias' bedroom, closing the door behind me.

I climb into the bed and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


I don't know how long I've been asleep for when I wake up with a horrible pain in my stomach.

It goes away after a minute and I try to go back to sleep, noticing I have only slept for about an hour.

But I wake up with another pain in my stomach and water running down my leg twenty minutes later and I realise what is happening straight away.

"Mummy!" I yell.

This can't be happening.

Not now.

I didn't even know.

My mum, dad and Uriah come rushing into the room and run over to me when they see the tears lining my cheeks.

"What is it, sweetie?" Mum asks, wiping some tears off my cheek.

"I'm pregnant. And I'm in labour."

They look at me, shocked.

I can't do this.

Tobias is going to be back soon.

I can't give birth to someone else's baby in front of him.

That is when they step into action.

Why me?

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the real short update! I will try and update ASAP!

Word Count: 886

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