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Tris's POV

Pain rips through my stomach as Hana tells me to push and keep pushing. I do as I'm told knowing that if I do then I will have my baby after. Tobias is sitting next to me, holding my hand and telling me everything is going to be okay.

But I can't take it in. The pain is too much.

I keep pushing and pushing. Willing the pain to go away.

And it does. Just as I hear my baby's wails.

"It's a boy." Hana tells us as she cuts the cord and wraps the little boy in a blue blanket.

But in speeds David. He yanks my little boy out of Hana's arms and shoots his little head before dropping him to the floor, laughing menacingly as I scream.

I jolt awake to Tobias shaking my shoulders and calling my name. I'm ten weeks pregnant. Tears well in my eyes.

There is pain in my belly. Pain that only means one thing. Something is wrong with the baby.

I start sobbing as I clutch Tobias' hand, squeezing it through the pain.

"Tris, what's wrong?" He's worried.

"The baby." I clutch my belly and cry out a bit as the pain starts to get worse.

He understands what's happening and picks me up from the bed, rushing me to the infirmary.

When we arrive he runs over to the reception desk and we find Hana looking at some files.

"Hana, something's wrong." He pants.

She looks at us, shocked and scared, but she hurries us to a room and Tobias puts me on the bed, gently, taking my hand in his as he sits down in the chair next to me.

"What happened?" Hana asks as she sets up the ultrasound machine.

"She had a nightmare and when she woke up she was in pain." Tobias explains to her.

"Tris, I need you to calm down okay, it might just be because you're stressed. I know it's difficult but I need you to try and remain calm." Hana tells me as she lifts up my pyjama top to reveal my small baby bump which would only be noticeable if you know I were pregnant, and if I was wearing something that clung to my curves.

All of our friends, and my parents know I'm pregnant now. We told them a few weeks ago.

I try to remain calm as Hana squirts the gel on my stomach and places the wand over it, moving it around. But tears continue to fill my eyes and I don't bother looking at the screen. Too scared to see what I think is happening.

"Tris, the baby is fine, he or she is just stressed out, okay. So I need you to try and remain calm." Hana says and that is when I look at the screen and see my baby. I relax almost instantly, seeing him or her there, alive, healthy. The heartbeat fills the room. It's strong and fast. But it's fine. It's there.

She prints out a picture and wipes the goo off my belly before pulling my top down.

"I'll keep you here overnight just to make sure everything is okay. But everything looks fine so you have no reason to worry. Get some rest and you can go home in the morning, okay?"

I nod and she leaves the room, leaving the picture in my hands.

Tobias climbs into the bed, next to me, and he wraps his arms around me, resting his hand on my bump.

"What was your dream about Tris?" He asks me.

"Uh, I was giving birth. You and Hana were there with me. We had a son. But then David came in, took him, and shot him in the head before dropping him on the floor... I screamed and then I woke up."

"David can't hurt us anymore, Tris. He's dead. Everything is going to be okay. I promise. And the baby, whether it's a boy, or a girl, will be healthy, alive, and happy. I promise you. I love you, so, so much. Both you and the baby."

"We love you, too, Tobias."

Then we go to sleep. And this time I'm not awoken by nightmares.

A/N: Just a short filler chapter for y'all! Hope you like it!

Word Count: 720

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