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Tris's POV

The next day Tobias stays at home with me. We decide to go and see Hana to see if the baby is all right, and to see how far along I am. My guess is around two weeks since the last time I took a negative pregnancy test was two weeks ago. But I don't know.

I get dressed into some black leggings and a dark grey, long sleeved top. I tie my hair into a messy bun, put on my combat boots and walk into the living room to find Tobias sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks as he comes over and kisses my forehead.


He turns the TV off and takes my hand in his, leading me out of the apartment and to the infirmary.

We sign in and sit in the waiting room. Waiting nervously.

"Tris, everything is going to be okay, I promise. I love you." He tells me, sensing my nervousness and how scared I am.

I just nod, tell him I love him, and place my hand on my belly instinctively.

Hana enters five minutes later and calls my name.

We stand and follow her to the same room we were in last time we had an appointment with her. Tobias holds my hand the whole time, squeezing it gently occasionally to tell me everything is going to be okay.

We sit down and she asks why we're there.

"Yesterday I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. So we thought we'd come and see you." I explain.

"Okay. Why don't you get on the bed and we'll do an ultrasound to determine if you are pregnant and how far along you are, etc."

I get on the bed and Tobias sits in the seat next to it, not letting go of my hand once. Hana sets up the machine and roll my top up so it ends just below my bra line. She squirts the gel on and does what she has to do whilst I look at the screen. Hoping to see a baby appear there.

And I do. After a few seconds a little grey blob appears in the middle of the screen. My baby. Tobias' baby. Our baby.

I'm really pregnant.

"Well, you are indeed pregnant. I'd say you're about four week along. Have you taken a pregnancy test recently? Other than the one yesterday?"

"Yeah, two weeks ago. It came out negative."

"It must have been a false negative, you can get those sometimes. Anyways, everything looks good. The baby is perfectly healthy. Just be careful, okay. Try and remain as calm as possible. Don't do too much, especially no heavy lifting or other strenuous activities. Congratulations. I'll go and get you a picture or this, and some prenatal vitamins. I would also like you to have an appointment with me once a week, just to make sure everything is going smoothly." She presses some buttons on the machine as she speaks then removes the wand and wipes my belly clean with some paper towels. She leaves the room and I look at Tobias who is smiling brightly and tears are in his eyes. Happy tears. Just like the ones that are in mine.

"We're having a baby." He breathes.

"Yeah." I reply. I roll my top down and sit up just as Hana comes back into the room with a box of vitamins and a piece of card which is the picture. She gives them to me and tells us when our next appointment is. Then we go home, together. Our home. The home that will house our child as well in eight months' time.

If all goes well anyway.

And it better because I couldn't handle losing another child when I've already lost three.

When we get home we put my vitamins in the medicine cupboard and Tobias makes lunch.

The whole time I'm just thinking about our baby. And how scared I am that something is going to go wrong.

Tobias keeps telling me that everything is going to be okay, but after everything I've been through that is incredibly hard to believe.

But I'm going to try and believe it. At least, I hope everything is going to be okay.

Everything is going to be okay, right?

A/N: Another small update for you guys! Hope you guys are liking it!

Word Count: 741

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