Twenty Two

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Tris's POV

I am now thirty nine weeks pregnant, so I could go into labour at any time. Tobias freaks out whenever I have a Braxton hicks now because he's knows I could actually be in labour. But I haven't gone into labour yet.

Although he is on paternity leave now he has been called into work because there's some kind of emergency and he's the only one who knows how to sort it out, apparently. He was beyond angry but he had no choice to go in. So I am at home, alone, bored out of my mind. And I don't know how long it's going to take for him to get home.

I am sitting on the sofa, watching TV, my hands rubbing my incredibly large bump. I am wearing a black maxi dress because it would help if I did go into labour. My hair is hanging over my shoulders since I am way too lazy to tie it up.

I start to get hungry so I stand and waddle into the kitchen to make a sandwich. I am only just finished making it when I feel a particularly painful contraction. I grip onto the sides as hard as I can and groan. When it's done I realise it was longer and more painful than a Braxton hicks, and it was familiar to me. The pain was familiar, just like the Braxton hicks were.

I'm in labour.

"Shit." I mutter to myself.

I sit at the kitchen table with my sandwich, knowing I'll need to eat it for the energy it will provide. Also, I'm still hungry, so I have to eat.

When I'm done I go to the kitchen and grab my phone just as another contraction races through my belly, I sit on the sofa and grip the phone, hard. Tears fill my eyes because of the pain.

I'm about to call Tobias when I notice his phone on the coffee table. He fucking left his phone here. But then I remember that he isn't allowed to take his phone into the control room. Fuck.

So I call my parents. My dad picks up.

"Beatrice, are you okay?"

"Daddy, Tobias was called into work and I'm in labour. I need you and mum to come here, now."

"Okay, sweetie. We're on our way. Just remember to breathe."

He hangs up and I put the phone down in its original place.

They arrive five minutes later, just as a contraction hits me and I cry out. They rush over to me and grab my hands, allowing me to squeeze them as I cry.

"Hey, it's okay, we're here now." Mum says.

"Why was Tobias called into work?"

"There's an emergency that apparently only he can fix. They don't allow phones in there so his is here. And I don't know how long it's going to take, he's already been there for an hour."

"Okay, I'll go get him whilst your mum gets you in bed." I nod and dad leaves after kissing my forehead. Mum helps me up and to the bedroom. She sorts out the pillows and duvet as I cling onto the mattress, standing and leaning over the bed. She helps me get comfortable on the bed when she's done sorting out a mountain of pillows and the duvet is out of the way. She grabs some towels, flannels, and a bowl of warm water just before I get another contraction. She holds my hand as I cry through the pain.

I can feel myself getting hot and sweaty already.

"Do you want me to get you some pain killers so you can get a bit of sleep?" I shake my head. "Do you want something to eat?" I nod my head. "Toast?" I nod again.

She kisses my cheek and leaves the room.


Tobias' POV

I am still trying to fix the problem when Andrew comes running over to me, panicked.

"What's wrong?" I ask, worried.

"It's Tris. She's in labour."

Shit. I stand up and begin to leave when Gus, my boss, comes over to ask what I'm doing.

"I'm sorry, but my wife is in labour, and me being at the birth of my son is a lot more important than me fixing that damn problem. I'll fix it the day after tomorrow, or just try and figure it out yourself."

He looks angry but I don't care. I just leave the room in a hurry, closely followed by Andrew.


When I enter the bedroom I find Tris crying on the bed, eating some toast. I go over to her and sit next to her on the bed, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Sorry I wasn't here."

"It's okay." She manages to get out before her face scrunches up in pain and she cries out, I grab hold of her hand and she squeezes it, hard, but I don't care.

God, I hate seeing her in pain.

Andrew sits on the other side of her and dries some of the sweat and tears off her face with a flannel. Natalie is down at the business end, trying to figure out how far along Tris is, I'm guessing.

She finishes her toast and I put her plate on the bedside table, not letting go of her hand. I wrap my free arm around her and hold her to me, she cries into my chest, but I don't care. I start rubbing her back, knowing it must be hurting. She told me that when she's in labour her back hurts a lot, especially the lower half of her back.

"Tris, you're only two centimetres along, sweetie." Natalie informs us.

That means she has eight centimetres to go before she can push, I think. I read somewhere you have to be at ten centimetres to push. And I know labour takes a long time. So I have to see Tris in pain for hours, I'm not going to like it at all. But we'll have William in our arms after it all. Our little boy. And I will love and protect them both until the day I die.

A/N: Tris is gonna have her baby!

Word Count: 1037

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