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Tris's POV

Two hours have passed since I gave birth to the dead daughter I didn't know about. Tobias bathed me whilst my parents changed the sheets of the bed. He gasped when he saw all of the scars on my body, not being able to see all of them before. I know he blames himself for what happened to me, but it's not his fault. If it's anyone's fault, it was mine. I went into the weapons lab instead of Caleb, no one else did. Me. It's my fault.

But if I didn't go in there I wouldn't have been able to see my parents or Uriah again.

So in a way I'm glad that I did go in there.

I saved my brother and saw my parents and Uriah. Alive and well.

Right now I am lying on Tobias' bed, trying to sleep but failing. Silent tears are making their ways down my cheeks. I am wearing one of Tobias' t-shirts. It smells of him. Safe.

I hear the door open and I slowly turn to lay on my back. My stomach is still sore so I need to move slowly.

I see Tobias enter the room, closing the door gently with the heel of his foot and walking over to me with a tray of food in his hands.

He places the tray on the bed and helps me sit up with my back against the headboard, he wipes the tears off my cheeks and puts the tray of food on my lap.

There is a plate with a hamburger and some chips on it. Another plate with a slice of Dauntless cake. Chocolate flavoured. And a glass of orange juice.

"I remember it was your favourite meal when you were here, and I got the orange juice because you need the vitamins. I want you to be healthy again." He explains.

"Thank you." I speak quietly.

He sits down next to me as I eat. His back also leaning against the headboard.

I manage to eat it all, there wasn't much on there anyway. I'm also slightly hungry. Giving birth does that. It makes you hungry.

When I'm finished he removes the tray from my lap and places it on his bedside cabinet.

"You know, Tris, you will have a baby one day. I promise. A baby that is happy and healthy. I will do everything in my power to make you happy. I will give you anything I can. I will make sure you're happy and healthy. I will make sure you have a better life than you have done so far. I will do anything for you, Tris. I love you."

"I love you, too. But you don't know if I will have a baby or not."

"I do, because I will do anything I can to make sure you have one. And I'm not trying to be rude. I know you're probably not ready for that yet. But whenever you're ready, I will be ready. I want a family with you Tris. I'm angry that he killed our baby and your other babies. I want our baby back. I want you to be happy. I will do anything to make you happy. And to give you a baby, our baby. I just want you to be happy and healthy again, Tris. I have gone two years without you. You have gone through things someone of your age shouldn't even be able to imagine. And I'm going to help you, through everything. I promise."

He's crying. And so am I.

He wraps his arms around me and we cry together. For the second night in a row.

"I want our baby." I cry into him.

"I know, I do, too. But we will have a baby one day. I promise."

Just then someone barges into the room.

"Sorry, but you're gonna want to come and see this." Uriah says.

Tobias helps me up and into the living room where my parents are looking at the TV in fear.

I look at it and find David staring back at me.


"Hello, people of Chicago. Not all of you know me but I know a selected few do. Four of my prisoners escaped yesterday and I know they came here, because this was their home. Their names are Beatrice Prior, Natalie Prior, Andrew Prior and Uriah Pedrad. To all of you that thought they were dead, well, they're not. Surprise! And they're back in your city. Now it's a shame that I have to do this but, you see, I am declaring war on the city you live in and I will kill them and anyone who helps them. Or, you could send them back to me now and you won't have to worry about a war. Because I will have what I need. If they aren't with me by the end on the week, so by Saturday, I will send out another video, like this one, properly declaring war on all of you. And you will all die. Let's hope it will never come to that, eh. See you soon, maybe."

The screen goes black.

And so does my world.

A/N: Again, sorry for small updates guys! Will try and update again soon!

Word Count: 886

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