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Tris's POV

Four weeks fly by and today I am getting married to the love of my life. Tobias Eaton. I will be Tris Eaton. I'm excited.

Tobias stayed at Zeke's last night with the boys because apparently it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. The girls stayed with me in our apartment. We haven't talked about babies since we did four weeks ago. It just never came up again. I know what he's trying to say but I just want to have a baby.

Anyways, right now Christina, Shauna and my mum are fussing over my hair and make-up, trying to make me look pretty. The wedding is in an hour and they've been working on me for about two hours now.

"Done. Now it's time to get you in your dress." Christina tells me.

They help me into my dress, which thankfully covers all my scars. They then put my veil on and we're ready to go. They got themselves ready before making me pretty. And I do look pretty.

My dad comes to walk us to the car that will drive us to the Ferris wheel. He is walking me down the aisle.

We arrive five minutes before the wedding is due to start and we wait for the music to start playing.

The music starts and Christina is the first to walk down the aisle. Then Shauna. Then my mum. Then my dad and I.

I see Tobias standing at the altar, smiling at me. And I smile back. The Ferris wheel is behind him.

When I get to him my dad kisses my cheek, smiling, and goes to stand with mum.

I turn and face Tobias, taking his hands in mine.

This is a small wedding. Only friends and family are here.

"You look beautiful, Tris." He whispers to me.

"You look handsome, Tobias." I whisper back.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of these two wonderful people. Beatrice Grace Prior and Tobias James Eaton..." He goes on and on. We say our vows and soon we get to say, 'I do'.

"I may now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Tobias kisses me passionately and I hear cheering but I don't really pay attention to that. I pay attention to his lips on mine.

This is one of the best days of my life.


The reception was great. We all had a wonderful time. Drinking. Dancing. Eating cake. And many more things.

My parents have gone home, so has Caleb, Cara and Beatrice. The others said they would stay for a while longer when we said goodbye.

Tobias drives us to a little hut in Amity. It's in the orchard so it's away from civilisation. It's just us here. It's beautiful. It has three bedrooms, a nice kitchen/dining room, a living room, a large bathroom and a utility room.

As soon as we get in our bedroom, Tobias places his lips on mine and we kiss for what seems like forever, slowly moving towards the bed. I know what we have to do tonight and I'm not scared. I trust him and he trusts me.

We get lost in each other.


Our honeymoon was amazing. We decided to come back here at least once a year, every year. It's too beautiful to not want to come back.

But today is the day we have to go back to Dauntless.

I can't wait to see our family again. I say that because they are our family. My parents, my brother, his wife, his daughter, Christina, Uriah, Zeke, Shauna, Amar, George, and Hana. They are our family.

We get back to our apartment around lunch time and put our bags in the living room before going to the cafeteria to meet everyone.

As soon as we open the doors they squeal and rush over to us, well, my parents, Caleb and Cara just walk over to us, the rest of them squeal. We all end up in a weird group hug thing but it's okay. We're family.

We all sit down at our usual table and eat whilst talking about what happened when we were away. We don't go into detail about our honeymoon, though. It's private.

I notice that Shauna and Zeke are being unusually quiet. They aren't talking as much as they usually do.

"Why are you two so quiet?" Tobias asks, obviously noticing their odd silence as well.

Everyone stops talking and looks at us, sad.

"What's going on guys?" I question.

"Tris, Tobias, there's something we need to tell you. Just try and not be upset about it." Zeke says.

"Seriously, what's going on?" I reply.

"I'm pregnant." Shauna tells us.

"That's amazing dude." Tobias says, smiling, patting Zeke on the back. I can tell he's a little upset by it.

I can also tell that everyone's looking at me.

"Congratulations." I say, smiling a little. I am happy for them. I am. I'm just upset. "How far along are you?"

"Twelve weeks." Shauna answers. "Sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just, didn't want to upset you after everything you have been through."

"I understand. I'm happy for you, really. I just, I, need to go." I stand up and leave. I run back to the apartment with tears pouring out of my eyes.

When I get home I collapse onto the sofa and cry into the pillow.

I am happy for them, I really, honestly, am happy for them.

I hear the door open and close and someone kneeling down beside me. I take a look and find Shauna kneeling there, in front of me, looking at me sadly.

"I'm sorry. I really am happy for you."

"I know. It's okay. I understand."

"I want a baby, Shauna. I want my babies back."

"I know you do."

She wraps her arms around me and I cry into her shoulder.

We sit there for a while, me crying and her trying to comfort me.

Tobias comes in after about an hour and Shauna leaves. Then it's his turn to comfort me and I know he starts crying too.

"I'm sorry for leaving like that."

"It's okay, Tris. I understand. I'm upset, too."

We cry for what seems like hours before falling asleep.

A/N: Another update for you guys! Because I love you!

Word Count: 1067

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