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Tris's POV

Ten weeks pass without a problem, thank god. The pregnancy is going well and I'm getting bigger and bigger as the baby grows more and more. Today we get to find out the gender of our baby. We're excited, but we're nervous at the same time. Afterwards we are meeting our friends, and my parents, in the cafeteria for lunch to tell them what we're having.

We're on our way to the appointment, Tobias and I, hand in hand. My other hands rests on my bump, rubbing it gently. We arrive at the infirmary and sign in before taking a seat in the waiting room. Hana arrives five minutes later and calls our names. We follow her to the same room we've had our appointments in since the beginning of the pregnancy.

I lay on the bed, Tobias sits in the chair next to it, holding my hand, and Hana rolls up my top so my bump is bear. She squirts on the gel and places the wand thing over it, moving it around gently.

And our baby appears on the screen.

Tears fill my eyes as I look at him or her. Happy tears. Grateful tears.

"Do you two want to know the gender?"

We don't know what to say so we just nod. She moves the wand around a bit more to get a better picture.

"Looks like you two are going to have a boy."

We're having another boy, hopefully a healthy, and alive, one this time. I look at Tobias with a smile on my face and see a smile on his as well.

We're having a son.

We're having a little boy.


We arrive at the cafeteria and I can't stop smiling. Neither can Tobias. Caleb, Cara are here as well, for the announcement.

We sit in our usual seats and everyone looks at us expectantly. Waiting for one of us to tell them what we'll be having. Waiting for us to tell them whether a boy or a girl is going to be joining our family.

"We're having a boy." I announce. They all cheer and congratulate us, everyone else in the cafeteria looks at us weirdly.

"What are you going to name him?" Christina asks as we begin to eat.

"Well that you won't know until he is born."

They all groan but they continue eating.


I am in our en-suite, looking at myself in the mirror above the sink. I am wearing a sports bra and some maternity yoga pants now and my bump shows clearly through it. So does the scar on it. The one from where David stabbed me and killed Gabriel. My hand is on my bump and my thumb runs across the scar that will always be there. A constant reminder of my first child, and that I lost. Of Tobias' first child. There are some other permanent scars on my arms, legs and back but that one is the most painful to remember. The scar on my forehead is also permanent but it's not as painful to remember where that one is from as it is for the one on my belly. To be honest I can't really remember when I got the one on my head, I just know I got it because David cut me there, with a knife.

The door opens and I know Tobias is in here now, I see him walk over to me in the mirror.

"Tris, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking. What's for dinner?"

"I'm making some spaghetti Bolognese. It will be done soon I just thought I'd come and get you. What are you thinking about?"

"Everything. Uh, just let me get a t-shirt on and I'll meet you in the kitchen in a bit."

"Okay." He gives me a small smile, kisses my forehead and leaves. I go to the bedroom, grab one of Tobias' old grey t-shirts and slide it on, not wanting to look at the scar for too long. I go to the kitchen and find Tobias stirring the Bolognese together with the spaghetti.

I sit at the table, he dishes up and we eat together.

"What are we going to name him?" I ask.

"I don't know. What names do you like?"

"Well, I was hoping that Gabriel could be his middle name, so we have something to remember our other son by."

"That's perfect. Maybe we could have his first name after someone else. Or just pick a name that we like."

Who else have we lost that we want to remember?

Al. Will. Fernando.


William Gabriel Eaton.

If things were different, and I didn't go to the weapons lab, and we still had our first baby, I probably would have wanted to name him Caleb, or Andrew, or Uriah.

But now I think William is a good match.

"How about William Gabriel Eaton? We can call him Will for short." I suggest.

Tobias smiles at me and I can't help but smile back at him.

"Perfect. But we don't tell anyone this until he's born, right?"

"Yeah. It's just our little secret for now."


"Goodnight, Tris. Goodnight, William. I love you."

"Goodnight, Tobias. We love you, too."

And I drift into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: Hope you likey!

Word Count: 887

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