Twenty One

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Tris's POV

I am now thirty three weeks pregnant and bigger than ever. But it's going to be over in seven weeks so I'm thankful for that. He's still constantly kicking me, unless Tobias tells him to stop, then he does for a few hours before starting up again. But I don't mind, it just reminds me that he's okay.

I am sitting on the sofa with my legs crossed underneath me and my hands resting on my bump, feeling as William kicks me and my ribs. Tobias comes in with a plate in his hands that has my sandwich on. He gives it to me and I place it on top of my bump, picking up the sandwich and taking a bite out of it. Tobias just laughs.

"What? It's easier than holding the plate in one hand and the sandwich in the other."

He continues to laugh anyway.

When I'm done he takes the plate back to the kitchen and comes back, wrapping his arm around me, placing his hand on my bump.

That's when I feel it. I groan as it last but Tobias just looks worried.

"Tris, are you okay? What's wrong? Is it the baby? Are you in labour? Shit. It's too early..."

"Tobias, I'm fine, the baby's fine, and everything's fine. It was just a Braxton hicks."

"A what?"

"A Braxton hicks, it's contraction that prepares the body for labour. Don't worry, the baby's not coming now. But trust me, I freaked out the first time I had one as well." I watch as he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Does it hurt?"

"Kinda, but labour is a lot worse."

"How often do they come?"

"Depends. Sometimes only once or twice an hour, sometimes only a few times a day. And they only last about thirty seconds."

He nods.

"When will you know if you're in labour?"

"When the contractions get closer together and more painful. Or when my waters break. But that shouldn't happen yet, so don't worry."

"I'm always going to worry."

"I know. I will, too."


My back is killing me right now. Honestly, all I want is sleep but I can't get comfortable.

Tobias sleeps next to me and I really want to wake him up so he can massage me, but I also really don't want to wake him up because he looks so sweet when he sleeps.

Damn it, I'll wake him up.

"Toby, wake up." I shake his shoulder lightly as I ask him to wake up.

When he does wake up though he looks worried.

"Tris, are you okay? What's wrong?"

"My back is killing me. Can you massage it for me, please?"

"Sure." He turns on the lamp as I take off my t-shirt, I have a sports bra on though. I sit so my back is facing him and he rubs some essential oils into his hands. "Where in your back does it hurt?"

"My lower back."

Then he starts massaging and it's amazing. I feel better almost instantly.

"Is that better?" He asks when he's done.

"Mmhmm. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He goes to the en-suite to wash his hands. When he comes back we lie back down in bed together and his arm goes around my waist. He kisses me sweetly and says 'goodnight' again. And this time I actually go to sleep.

A/N: Just a short filler chapter for you lovelies!

Word Count: 574

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