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Tris's POV

I am sitting on the sofa in the living room, my hands on my large bump as William keeps kicking and kicking. He's been kicking since I was seventeen weeks along, but he's kicking a lot more now. I am twenty four weeks pregnant currently, and huge. I am wearing some black maternity leggings and one of Tobias' old, dark grey hoodies that still fits me, somehow. My hair is in a messy bun because I really couldn't be asked to do anything else. Between William constantly kicking me and everything else, I've become lazy. Also sleep deprived. So I'm tired as well.

Tobias comes in from the kitchen and sits next to me, handing me the glass of water I wanted just as our son places a relatively hard kick to my side and I groan in response.

"Is he still kicking?"

"Yup." I take a gulp of water.

Tobias moves his head so he's level with me belly, he places his hand on it. "William, please stop kicking your mum. She needs some rest. Okay? We love you, baby." Surprisingly it works, our son stops kicking.

"Why does he listen to you and not me?"

"I'm his dad."

"I'm his mum. I'm the one who has to carry him for nine months then push him out of my vagina. Which hurts, a lot, by the way. He should listen to me more." I pout and Tobias laughs. "It's not funny." I smack his arm playfully but he continues to laugh.

There's a knock on the door and Tobias stands to answer it. Christina barges in and walks over to me.

"You are coming with me, now." She says.

"You are coming with me, now." She says.

"Why?" I moan.

"Now, that I'm not telling you. But come on."

"I'm tired. I just want to sleep. Please?"


"You're mean."

She drags me up, earning a glare from Tobias, and myself, and she pulls me out of the room.

"I'm heavily pregnant, you know that right? Or do you just think I'm fat?"

She stops dragging me and I'm almost tempted to go back home, but I don't, she'd just chase me and start dragging me again if I did.

I realise we're going to her apartment.

"Can I sleep when we get to your apartment?"


"Please? The baby keeps kicking me so I'm sleep deprived."

When we arrive I see Shauna, Cara, Beatrice and my mum in the living room with a bunch of presents, the table is covered in food and drinks and pushed against the far wall. There is a banner that reads 'Happy Baby Shower!' and there are balloons as well. Blue ones and white ones.

"A baby shower? Really? You wouldn't let me sleep for this."

I plop onto the sofa next to my mum and groan.

"Is the baby keeping you up at night?" Mum questions.

"Yeah, he won't stop kicking until Tobias asks him to."

"Present time!" Christina squeals.

They give me presents one at a time and I open them. I get:

Clothes for the baby



Formula milk


A photo album to put ultrasound pictures and pictures of him growing up in

A teddy bear

Some toys

A baby bouncer

Some blankets in blue, yellow, green and black

And some other bits and pieces. Apparently the boys got some of it as well. And there's going to be another surprise for me.

We eat the food and talk about whatever, mostly the baby.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Cara asks.

"Yeah, but we're not telling any of you until he's born. And truth serum doesn't work on me so you can't try using that to get the answer."

"Not even me, I'm his grandma after all."

"Sorry. My lips are sealed."

"How about you give us a clue?" Shauna pleads.

"Nope. I'm not saying anything. Can I go home now? I really want to sleep."

"NO!" They all yell at the same time.


"You'll see later. You can sleep on the sofa if you want. We'll be quiet. Or you can take my bed." Christina suggests. What the hell is going on? I can't sleep here. I might get a nightmare.

"No, I'll just sleep later. What's going on?"

"We can't tell you, you'll find out later anyways."


We watch a film and continue to talk for a few more hours. Then Christina gets a text or something because she tells me I can go home now and that they'll bring the presents to my place tomorrow.

I stand and leave, after saying goodbye obviously.

When I arrive home Tobias is waiting for me on the sofa, he's wearing different clothes than what he was wearing earlier. He stands and takes my hand, leading me to the spare room in the apartment. When he opens the door I'm amazed.

The boys built a nursery for the baby.

The walls are a baby blue colour and one wall has the words 'Be Brave' painted on in a darker blue. There is a white cot in the centre of the room that has a small mattress, a blue pillow and blanket in. As well as a couple of teddy bears in the bottom of it. There's a white wardrobe against the wall opposite the one with the writing on. A white changing table next to that. There's a rocking chair on one side of the cot, which is white. And an arm chair in the corner of the room. There is a toy box below the writing that looks like a treasure chest. There's a book shelf against the far wall that has some children's books on it.

It's amazing.

"Do you like it?" Tobias asks.

"I love it. Thank you." I wrap my arms around his waist and he does the same to me, it's slightly awkward since my bump is in the way, but it's perfect. It's amazing. He's amazing. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

A/N: Sooo... Another update did you! So excited for this book!

Word Count: 1021

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