Twenty Three

316 7 4

Tris's POV

After ten excruciating hours I am finally allowed to push. I push about ten times before the pain goes away and I hear my son's cries. Tobias cuts the cord with happy tears pouring down his face, and my mum wraps the baby in a dark blue towel before placing him in my arms, smiling and crying. We're all crying and smiling.

I half expect David to come in and take my son from me but he doesn't. He's dead and he can't do that now.

I look down at my baby and he's beautiful. Little curls of brown hair, Tobias' hair, sprout up on his head. His eyes are open and I see the blue/grey colour of my eyes. His little arms wave around in the air and when I put my index finger against one of his hands, his fingers wrap around it.

"He's beautiful. I'm so proud of you, Tris. Thank you. I love you both, so, so much." Tobias tells me, placing a kiss on my forehead, and our son's.

"I love you, too." I whisper back, my throat sore from crying.

"What's his name?" Mum asks me, smiling at her grandson.

"William Gabriel Eaton." I answer, in awe.

"It's perfect. He's perfect." Dad says.

My parents are the only ones who know why the name Gabriel is significant in our lives. I told them a few weeks after what happened about it.

I continue to look at my son and I thank god that he is alive and healthy. I am so happy in this moment, it's probably the happiest I've ever been.

My parents leave to give us some time alone.

"He's perfect." I say.

"Yeah, and will love and protect both of you until the day I die."

"We will always love you, too. Do you want to hold him?"

"I would love to." I carefully place William in his arms and watch as Tobias stares at our son in awe. "Hey buddy, I'm your daddy, and I love you and your mummy so much."

"You're such a good father, Tobias."

"And you're a good mother."

We spend about another half an hour just looking at our son before I'm so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open. We lay down on our sides with William in the middle of us and go to sleep. I dream of what my life can be like now.

A/N: Yay! The book is finished! Hope you likey! Thanks for the support!

Word Count: 424

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