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Tris's POV

Three days have gone by since I told everyone about what I went through when I was held captive by David. Everyone in Dauntless knows where we are now and have agreed to help with the war. We just have to get the rest, or most, of the city on our side.

Christina and Uriah are acting like they did back in the Bureau, inseparable. I know he has a crush on her, he told me when we were in the Bureau, after one of my beatings, he was trying to cheer me up. I told Tobias the other night and he thought they'd be a good couple, like I do, especially since she lost Will and he lost Marlene, they can help each other. But talking about Will did bring up bad memories.

Hana has checked the four of us over, she is a nurse. My parents and Uriah are fine, other than being malnourished, but it's getting better since we are able to eat and drink more now.

I'm malnourished, more than the others are. I have to put this medicinal cream on to help my scars, the others don't have to because theirs aren't as bad, and are properly healed. I have to because I have a lot more and some of them aren't healing very well. But I have scars everywhere so Tobias has to help me. I can't have... you know, until my down below region has healed from all the... you know, and from recently giving birth. I doubt I'll be ready for that for a while anyway. But Tobias is okay with that. He understands. She told me I shouldn't try for another baby for another two years so my uterus has time to heal. The stab wound from when David stabbed me to kill mine and Tobias' baby went through my uterus and it hasn't healed properly so that could have factored in my last baby's death, she's surprised the child before survived the whole nine months. Though she did say that it may have healed but the stretching may have teared it a bit and it didn't heal from that. She said that if I got pregnant before the two years were up I would have to be extremely careful, like not do anything other than go to the toilet careful so as to not put too much stress on myself and the baby.

I have to admit that I'm sad I have to wait two years to try for a baby. But then I remember that my fear of intimacy has returned, and it will give Tobias and I time to prepare. Time to talk. Time to rekindle our relationship. And other stuff.

All four of us have PTSD. Mine slightly worse than theirs yet again but we still have it.

But other than those things we're fine. I guess.

Uriah has moved in with Hana, claiming back his old bedroom. My parents still live with Tobias and me, using the guest bedroom. Christina brought me a bunch of clothes and shoes. Tobias also brought my parents and me some more clothes. Hana brought Uriah some new clothes.

Yeah, we have been given a lot of stuff, most of which are clothes.

Right now though everyone is preparing for war, other than anyone under the age of sixteen, me, Uriah and my parents. Also any pregnant females or anyone unable to fight due to injury or disability. We have people going to the other factions to try and get everyone on our side, knowing that because none of us have been returned to David that he will send out his official video declaring war upon us today.

Erudite are on our side thanks to Caleb and Cara, who happen to be the new Erudite leaders. They're making serums, weapons, and other things to help us because we know David will have some. Many of the men between the ages of sixteen and forty have also agreed to help with the fighting so we have people here in Dauntless training them the way we were trained in initiation, minus the fear sims and landscapes.

We also have Abnegation on our side since my parents were very well liked there and it is our home faction. We have some men helping to fight from there as well so we are also training them. The others are helping Erudite make weapons and serums and such.

Amity have agreed to supply us with as much peace serum as they can, hoping that would help us 'make peace' with the other side. However I have a feeling that it will be used in a different way. Though, some men from their have signed up to fight with the Dauntless so that means we have to train them as well. And some other people are helping Erudite and Abnegation with the serums and weapons.

And Candor have agreed to help with trials if need be, some men have signed up to fight so we have more people to train, some other people are helping with serums and weapons.

So yeah, we have all the factions on our side. Which is great. It means we have a large army and will have many serums and weapons ready for use.

However, those who aren't able to fight will be going to a safe house in the factionless sector. We will be given food and stuff, as well as weapons if we need to defend ourselves.

But it means I won't be able to see Tobias or my friends for a while. I will be with my parents and Uriah as well as others, but I need to be with them as well.

Though Tobias did promise that he would get me a phone so I can call him whenever I want, and he can keep me updated.

I'm just scared.

All of us not fighting will be going to the safe house tomorrow.

When I say all of us not fighting I mean, all of us. Me, Uriah, my parents, pregnant people, anyone under the age of sixteen, anyone over the age of fifty, disabled people, injured people. But those who are sick will stay in the hospitals they are in and they will be guarded. Just as the safe house will. We will also have some nurses and doctors with us, just in case.

I don't want to leave Tobias, but I know I have to.

I just don't want him to die. I don't want any of them to die.

I am cut out of my thoughts by Tobias saying my name.

"You okay?" He asks.

I nod.

My friends – no, my family are all gathered in the living room of Tobias' apartment, waiting for David's video.

And I see David on the screen.

"Hello people of Chicago, yeah, it's me again. So, no one handed Beatrice Prior, Natalie Prior, Andrew Prior or Uriah Pedrad into me. You know what this means. This is my video officially declaring war on your city. I would wish you luck but there is no point. You're not going to win and I know that. You're all going to die. See you soon."

The screen goes black.

A/N: Hey! Another update! Will be publishing more soon! Please read guys! My book still has 0 reads...

Word Count: 1231

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