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Tris's POV

A month passes by and the war is still going on. We are still in the safe house. I still keep crying. I still keep going to my little cupboard. Eve sometimes comes with me, or we sit on my bed and she tells me about her new sister or whatever. Tobias makes it his duty to come to see me at least twice a week. He met Eve a few weeks ago when she came to talk to me, I could see the sadness in his eyes when he looked at her and we talked about her and everything when she went back to her mum. We cried as well. Mourning the loss of our child, and my other children.

My friends are fine. They're all healthy and alive. David is losing more followers and we've lost hardly any compared to him.

Apparently Evelyn approached Tobias about what she was doing. She was working as a spy so she is able to pass information to our side about what David is planning. But I don't trust her. I never have and probably never will. She faked her own death and left her only son with a monster. What kind of mother does that? Then she wants to be part of Tobias' life all of a sudden. And all that shit she did during the war, and all the shit she said to me. Tobias hasn't told her what I went through, though, which is great because I don't want her to know.

It is night time. Everyone is asleep, but I'm not. I am lying on my bed. Crying.

I am lying on my side, facing my parents' bunk.

A hand goes over my mouth and someone drags me up and starts pulling me away. I thrash around, trying to get out of their strong grip. But I can't. I scream but my voice is muffled against the cold hand against my lips.

I bite one of their fingers and they pull their hand away.

"MUM!" Their hand goes on my mouth again.

My mum wakes up and sees me. She jumps out of bed and starts running towards me as I am dragged but someone knocks her out.

Her falling to the floor is the last thing I see before something pinches my neck and the blackness surrounds me.


I wake up to someone shaking me and calling my name.

I look up and find Tobias looking at me, worried.

I sit up and look around.

We are in a small room with nothing in it but us and a small lamp.

"Tris, are you okay?" He asks me.

I nod.

"Are you?" I ask him.

He nods.

"We're going to get out of here, I promise." He wraps his arms around me and I relax into him.

Then the door opens and David comes in, followed by Evelyn who has an evil smile on her face.

"You lied to me?" Tobias sounds sad.

"Tobias, you need to learn that this girl isn't good enough for you. I am permanent, she is only temporary. You deserve so much better than a slut like her."

"I'm sorry, but didn't you leave him with his abusive father for years after faking your own death? That doesn't sound very permanent." I reply but before I can say anything else a needle is stuck into my neck and pain rips through my entire body.

I scream and thrash about as the pain gets worse and worse. Tears pour down my cheeks. David and Evelyn are smiling but Tobias is crying, trying to help me, and trying to calm me down.

"What have you given her?" He growls at his mother.

"Torture serum. It'll wear off in a couple hours. Have fun." David and Evelyn leave.

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