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Tris's POV

Twenty seven weeks later Shauna gives birth to a beautiful, healthy, little girl named Sophia Lynn Pedrad. Her and Zeke wanted Tobias and I to be Sophia's god parents and we gladly accepted.

Christina and I made up, thank god. She knows now not to mention things like that. She understands.

In twenty three weeks Tobias and I are going to speak to Hana about me getting pregnant a year earlier. If it's possible for me to anyway. That means there are twenty three weeks until our one year wedding anniversary. I have to say that being married to him is amazing. He is the best husband ever. He's kind, caring, sensitive, tough, he even makes me breakfast in bed sometimes.

We are all in Shauna's hospital room at the moment, marvelling over the sleeping new born that she holds in her arms. We have all had the chance to hold her. She's adorable. She's the perfect blend of Shauna and Zeke. Shauna's exhausted, I know how she feels but it hurts that I know how she feels when she has a living baby in her arms and I don't.

But I let that feeling slide because I can't live my life thinking these things. I will always mourn my babies, I will never stop thinking about them. But what's done is done and I can't change the past. No matter how much I want to. It's impossible.

After a few more minutes we all decide to leave and let Shauna get some rest. Tobias and I walk back to our apartment, hand in hand. We're both exhausted since it is like three o'clock in the morning. We cuddle up in our bed and go to sleep, not bothering to change our clothes.


23 Weeks Later


Yesterday was mine and Tobias' one year wedding anniversary. It was amazing. He made me breakfast in bed, he got me the most beautiful charm bracelet, he took me on a date to the Ferris wheel, and to the Chasm. We had a picnic, under the stars, seated on the floor next to the large structure we climbed together back in my initiation. At the Chasm we just talked and kissed before coming home to watch a movie, have some fun if you know what I mean, and go to sleep, wrapped in the comfort of each other's arms. I got him the new combat boots he wanted.

Today Tobias and I are going to speak to Hana about the possibility of me getting pregnant now and not next year. We really want a baby. Sophia has been growing up so quickly, and Beatrice is two now, she turned two a couple of weeks ago. I'm twenty now so I think I'm of a reasonable age, I turned twenty last week, according to my mum. Tobias is twenty one but he turns twenty two next week, we looked at the records.

We are walking, hand in hand, to the infirmary. When we get there we sign in and sit in two of the chairs in the waiting room, waiting for Hana to come and get us for our appointment.

She calls us in five minutes later and we follow her to room number ten. We sit in the three chairs provided and she looks at us expectantly, but kindly.

"What can I do for you today?" She asks in a motherly tone.

"We were wondering if you could run some tests on me to see if there is any chance my body is healed enough for me to have a successful pregnancy now instead of having to wait another year." I reply.

"Okay, I can run some tests but the damage that was inflicted on your body makes it seem very unlikely for you to have kids now. But, there is a chance your body is prepared enough. I will need to take a blood test, a urine sample, an ultrasound, an x-ray and an MRI. I will also need to check your weight and measurements. It might take a while so have you booked time off work?" Tobias and I both nod, I started working in the control room with him a few months ago. "Okay, let's get to work."

She takes the blood and urine samples first. Then my weight and other measurements. She then asks me to change into a hospital gown so she can do the x-ray and MRI scan. We do those and go back to room ten, where I change, in the little bathroom attached, and hop onto the bed so she can do the ultrasound. But I don't look at the screen. Nothing is going to be there.

When she's done with that she leaves the room, telling us she's just going to get the results and that she'll be back in about ten minutes. And she is back ten minutes later, with a clipboard in her hand. We are all sat back in the chairs we were sitting in when we first got into the room.

"So, Tris, I believe that you can get pregnant now and have high chances of having a successful pregnancy. Your scar seems to have healed fine and you are healthy again. However, you do suffer from PTSD, meaning there is more stress on your body than needed, and stress is bad for pregnancies. So if you do get pregnant you have to remain as calm as you can, Tobias, if she has a nightmare you have to wake her up as soon as you can, if she has a flashback do the same, if she starts panicking then snap her out of it. Though, it is entirely possible for your scar to re-open as you get bigger so I suggest you get as much rest as you can, don't do any strenuous activity. Walking, bathing, cooking and everything should be fine. But don't carry heavy loads or bend too much, and when you find out she's pregnant, stop having sex. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Drink plenty. Sleep plenty. Rest plenty. You should be fine. Okay?"

I can't get the smile off my face as I nod, in the corner of my eyes I can see Tobias smiling brightly as well.

We can have a baby.

"I can give you some tablets that help conception, but know that you aren't necessarily going to get pregnant on the first time. It may take a while. If you start getting symptoms you can come to me and I will run some tests. Good luck." She gets a pack of tablets from the cupboard and gives them to me. We thank her and go.

We're too happy to go anywhere else but home. And I think you know what we do when we get there.

A/N: Another little update! And yay! Tobias and Tris can have a baby!

Word Count: 1154

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