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Hansol stepped into the shower, letting the hot water run along his spine and chest.

He held his head, thinking about this night's dream.

He was there again.

Hansol had wanted to see him again all throughout the day before.

It had gotten so bad he even started missing the blonde boy during the day.

He knew he needed help. This couldn't be healthy for him.

To say Seungkwan was the boy of his dreams wasn't even an overstatement.
Hansol longed to see the blonde's beautiful features every day. And every night those longings were eased.

Whenever he felt himself getting dragged into a dream at night he was both excited and scared to see that boy again.

He wanted to stop having these dreams but at the same time he didn't think he could live without seeing Seungkwan.
Even if it was all in his head.

He rinsed the shampoo out of his hair and cursed at himself for having his thoughts once again locked on Seungkwan.

"Please get out of my head..."

A tear rolled down Hansol's cheek as he wrapped his body in a large towel and curled up on his bed again.

I'm just gonna write
a fuckton of really
short chapters like this.
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